Lycopodium: Symptoms, Uses, Side Effects and More !

Homeopathic Lycopodium Clavatum Remedy

Lycopodium Clavatum is one of the most important remedies in homeopathy. It is used for various fatal problems of our body. Children, teenage, young and also old people can use Lycopodium according to the proper symptoms. The word of "Lycopodium" comes from Greek lukos (wolf) and podion little of pous (foot). It is also recognized as creeping cedar and ground pines. 

It appears as a pale yellow color. Premature ejaculation, impotency due to sexual excesses, loss of erection during coition, one foot cold and the other hot, Lack of self confidence, fear in dark are the most common symptoms of Lycopodium. In homeopathy it has different kinds of uses according to the body symptoms. This remedy is adjusted chiefly to illness gradually developing, functional activity weakening, with failures of the digestive abilities, where the liver function is badly damaged.

Common Uses of Lycopodium

  • Lycopodium is used to treat various mental conditions like irritability, anxiety, forgetfulness, anger etc. 
  • It removes state of tiredness and a chronic fatigue 
  • When old persons have strong desire, but imperfect erections then this remedy acts successfully 
  • It is also suitable for right sided renal colic. 
  •  Lycopodium is a chief homeopathic remedy for bloating of flatulence, abdomen and several stomach related troubles such as colic dysentery, constipation, dyspepsia, indigestion and heartburn. 
  • When penis is small, relaxed and cold then Lycopodium is appropriate remedy 
  • Lycopodium is most effective remedy in impotency of young men from sexual excess. 
  • It also helps in prostatitis. 
  • It helps for the enlarged prostrate in old people 
  • In females in the case of dryness of vagina with burning during and after coition Lycopodium gives the most fruitful result. 

Application of Lycopodium

The substance obtained from the pollen of the moss is used in homeopathy as a constitutional agent for mentally active but physically weak patients. The effect extends to the liver as well as the mucous membranes of the urine, respiratory and digestive organs. Accordingly, Lycopodium is used in all types of related complaints such as urination, shortness of breath, cough remedy by laryngeal tickles, loss of appetite, bloating or flatulence.

The sufferings are relieved by fresh air, slow movements, or the absorption of warm food and drink; Between 16 and 20 o'clock, as well as by clothing, warmth, or lying on the right side, they get worse.

Appearance of Lycopodium

Just as diverse as the application area of Lycopodium is the typical appearances, which sometimes have a contradictory and paradoxical effect. Thus the patients often have hot hunger and the great appetite, but are already full after the first bite; Her complexion changes from the usual false basic color to red. Despite their dry mouth, they do not feel thirsty and often have two differently tempered feet. Lycopodium is also contradictory: on the one hand, it is both rightful and dictatorial, but suffers from a lack of self-confidence and is afraid to cope with stress. If he feels well, he seeks and loves the company of other men; He wants to be left alone and retreats.

Lycopodium has a bad memory despite high intellect and lets out letters when writing. His sleep is already disturbed in the baby's age; He is often more cheerful at night than during the day, dreams badly, and wakes up with hot-hunger.

Dosage forms of Lycopodium: The usual applications for lycopodium are between D6 and D12.

Lycopodium: Areas of application

Gastrointestinal complaints: After eating pressure feeling in the stomach up high in the chest with flatulence and belching. At night the discomfort worsened. In contrast to Asa Foetida, Lycopodium is indicated for not- smelling flatulence.

Lose weight: Digestive problems, constipation in general, Flatulence with bulging

Appetite, increased: Hot hunger arises especially at night, after a few bites already full feeling. Great craving for sweets. The tendency to flatulence and heartburn.

Stomach pain: Fullness and flatulence already after small meals. Tingling, long-lasting belching ( heartburn)

Bloating: The stomach is bloated, you feel full and has heartburn. Narrowing clothing is unpleasant. Especially after sweet- and flour desserts or after garlic and onions rumbles in the belly. Complaints worse in the afternoon and towards evening.

Blisters and bladder infections: Bladder inflammation associated with back pain. The urine flows slowly at first, especially when the toilet is at night, sometimes only after pressing. The urine smells bad and may have a reddish-brown color.

Digestive disorders/stomach disorder: Heartburn, flatulence and digestive disorders after carbohydrate-rich diet. Close to the belly is not tolerated. Great craving for sweets and nightly hunger.

Depressed moods: Constantly bad mood combined with fears, the daily tasks can not cope. A lack of self-esteem is blended with an inflated, arrogant appearance. Oppression is scarcely endured.

Stye: The barley is more near the inner corner of the eye.

Hair loss: Hair loss after illness, often associated with pale skin and the early graying of the hair. Also with hair loss after pregnancy.

Stomach acidity: Already after a few bites fullness and strong heartburn, often also flatulence.

Heartburn/acid regurgitation: Already after a few bites fullness and strong heartburn, often also flatulence.

Stress: Fear and inner pressure, tasks and new situations. Strong emotional fluctuations to depression. Patient has a low self-esteem, behaves tyrannically and can not stand a contradiction.

Lycopodium Dosage

Acute or mildly chronic symptoms are treated with five globules or drops in potencies D6 or D12. There are 5 globules three times a day. Infants receive a single dose of D12 if necessary.

Lycopodium effect

Lycopodium acts on the mind, stomach and intestines, the liver, the respiratory tracts and the urinary organs.

Lycopodium in pregnancy

Lycopodium is a well-tolerated natural remedy for pregnant women who suffer from severe, cramping flatulence, bloating or diarrhea accompanied by heartburn. The medium insulates appearing hot-hungry on sweets. It is used for hormonal hair loss after pregnancy.

Lycopodium for the baby

Babies suffer from severe flatulence, which occurs particularly frequently between 16 and 20 o'clock. After the consumption of milk and carrots, the flatulence is particularly violent. Heat and rocking improve the pain. After pain, the pain subsides only briefly.

The remedy helps with blocked nose of nursing mothers. The infant sniffing is worse at night and lying down. 

Lycopodium is used for skin rashes behind the ears. These are typically moist, bloody, but a yellowish liquid.

Improvement & deterioration of Lycopodium

  • activity
  • Move
  • fresh air
  • Hot food
  • at night
  • casual clothing
  • warmth
  • Early morning
  • Extreme heat and cold
  • cold drinks
  • cold air
  • Lack of exercise
  • After eating (combined with fatigue, between 4 pm and 8 pm)
  • Warm, enclosed rooms

Side Effects of Lycopodium

No side effects are known in self-medication with low potencies (to D12). Lycopodium should only be used as long as the symptoms persist, as otherwise, a drug may develop. It is advisable to have a homeopath accompany the therapy with high potencies.

  • For taking too much Lycopodium person may affected by some physical problems like coughing, acid reflux, belching, pain in the right side of the torso near the liver, digestive disorders, diarrhea, gallstones, nausea, constipation, hiccupping and vomiting. It may cause intestinal gas also. 
  • This remedy has some mental effects. According to the homeopathic material medica Lycopodium may cause feelings of insecurity and lack of self-confidence. This homeopathic remedy causes the incapability to stand up for oneself in a conflict and a fear of public speaking. 
  • Taking large amount of Lycopodium must harm the normal appetite of a person. At that time the person may take a large amount of meal and then have a starved appetite for more food a short time later. Or a person may be ravenously hungry, but feel full after taking only a very small quantity of food. 
  • William Boericke stated, taking of excess Lycopodium may create an odd condition. He explained that "You may feel as though one foot is hot while the other is cold". 
  • We also get some skin problems after taking too much Lycopodium. Person may experience allergies to shell fish when taking this homeopathic remedy. Redness, swelling and itching around the throat and mouth are common side effects of Lycopodium. One should must stop taking this remedy if experience any side effects. 
Video:- Complete information about Lycopodium Clavatum - Watch Now

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