Impetigo - Cause, Symptoms, Cure and Prevention

Impetigo is a disease characterized by the formation of the surface bubble-pustular rash. Impetigo usually begins with the appearance of painful red spots which become through step bubbles in honey type crusts.  It occurs more frequently in children; adults are usually infected men shaving; often occurs as a complication of other diseases. There are several forms of impetigo: streptococcal, staphylococcal, vulgar (mixed).

The disease is very contagious. Impetigo often becomes the scourge of children's groups, most often it occurs in small teams, nursery children. Often there is a home and school outbreaks. Impetigo is dangerous because it can give complication of the internal organs, so that any outbreak of the disease is thoroughly investigated, and children are being treated.

The causes leading to the formation of impetigo

More than 80% of the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus impetigo presented or beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Pathogen enters through cracks and abrasions of the skin, the mouth of the hair follicles.

Impetigo can occur as a primary disease or a complication of an already existing dermatosis such as eczema, neurodermatitis (secondary impetigo). Risk factors for impetigo:
  • tropical or subtropical climate (warm humid conditions). 
  • Summer or rainy season. 
  • A small skin damage, insect bites, et al. (Microtraumas). 
  • Poor hygienic conditions, epidemics, war and others. 
  • Availability of impetigo in the family. 
  • Poor health due to anemia and malnutrition, hypovitaminosis. 
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes). 
  • Impetigo may develop as a complication of pediculosis, scabies, chicken pox, eczema. 
  • for contact dermatitis.

Manifestations of impetigo

When strep impetigo on the skin appears mottled painful red rash Bugorkova. The last turn into small bubbles to 0.51 cm in diameter, filled with light, and then to bubbles are usually painless. Rash scattered or crowded groups, surrounded by a thin rim of reddened skin . They quickly opened. After the rupture of bubbles appears red oozing superficial ulcers, crusts cover them later honey colored, fall away through the 57 days. 
The most common rash appears on the face of the exposed parts of the body, legs, hands, but may be in other areas of the skin at the site of skin damage.

The rash may develop quickly or slowly. Children most often affect the corners of the mouth strap Zayed, wings of the nose, the skin folds of the ear shells. They begin to appear in the corner of the mouth bladder with a thin flabby skin in its place quickly formed slit-like erosion, after the removal of which is detected by a red wet easily bleeding surface with a crack in the middle. After 1-2 hours Zayed again crusts. The process can be accompanied by morbidity at small opening of the mouth. The process is often applied to the oral mucosa. Sometimes impetigo occurs in isolation in the mouth, where in place quickly reveals the painful bubbles formed erosion, covers purulent plaque. 

Atypical variant of streptococcal impetigo is a simple face or zoster dry pyoderma, wherein the skin (usually in children) appear pink spots of various sizes from small scales; Allow rash at the site is temporary depigmentation (skin discoloration).

A variety of cystic impetigo is a superficial and felon, wherein the bubble occurs on nail shaft arcuately around the nail in place barbs with injuries (e.g., during a manicure) needlestick etc. When such traumatizing phlyctenas opened and formed weeping erosion in a large number of streptococci in the discharge.

When staphylococcal impetigo (folliculitis) at the mouths of sebaceous hair follicles appear blisters (pustules), reaching values pea.

Folliculitis may be superficial or deep.

Superficial folliculitis characterized by the formation of multiple small (1-2 mm, individual can be up to 5 mm) pustules, pierced in the center surrounded by hair and pink narrow margin. The 3-4 day their contents dries, yellow crusts appear, after the falling away of which, on the skin without leaving marks.

With deep folliculitis skin nodules formed the painful red color value of 5 mm or more in diameter, with occasionally abscess middle. A few days later the knot dissolves or abscesses, and then opened. After healing of the nodule is often hem.

With the combination of streptococcal and staphylococcal infection develops mixed (vulgar) impetigo in which the content is purulent bubble and peel - massive. Vulgar impetigo usually occurs on the face, at least the trunk and extremities. Eruptions are multiple. Without treatment, a number of former eruptions or in remote areas of the skin there are new rashes, the process often takes prevalent. When removing the crusts exposed wet eroded surface. What matters is the transfer of infection to new areas through the hands and clothes. Regional lymph nodes become painful on palpation and a few puffy.

Complications of Impetigo

Most often the disease comes to an end without consequences, but there can be complications. One of the most unpleasant complications are complications of the kidneys (nephritis) and the heart ( myocarditis ).

Staphylococcal impetigo may be complicated by widespread purulent processes - abscesses and phlegmon.

Prevention of Impetigo

Prevention is the treatment of diseases that contribute to the development of impetigo, in compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, processing of micro traumas antiseptic, sick children should not be led to the kindergarten. In child care centers requires systematic sanitary and epidemic supervision.

And for the prognosis of impetigo: Full recovery for 7-10 days during the treatment.

What can make your doctor?

Diagnosis is made on clinical grounds.
Treatment of impetigo usually performed in the clinic (patient).
Patient or mother (if the child is sick) explain that the affected and surrounding skin should not be washed with water, they should be cleaned twice daily with disinfectant solutions (such as salicylic or camphor alcohol ). Separate vials opened and treated Zelenka, and then applied the ointment with antibiotics (e.g., erythromycin). This treatment is carried out 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days, without imposing on the skin dressing. After treatment for 1-2 weeks, the affected area is wiped with alcohol.

In severe infections in young children are assigned antibiotics (oral or intramuscular).

Diagnosis of impetigo is based on the allocation of the pathogen. Fence material to produce a study of the ulcer bottom after removing the crusts.

What can you do?

Assess the severity of the patient's condition and determine the amount of only a doctor can necessary remedial measures. Therefore, when the appearance of the first symptoms should see a doctor for advice in order to avoid unwanted complications.

You can not kiss patients use its utensils, linens, toiletries; the child with impetigo can not attend schools, kindergartens, nurseries and others.

Tags: How long is impetigo contagious, how long does impetigo last, impetigo incubation period, pictures of impetigo, impetigo in adults, impetigo home treatment, impetigo baby
