Key Symptoms and Uses of Salix Nigra

Salix Nigra or  Black Willow has designated symptoms and activity on sexual organs as well as works as a homeopathic sex tonic. This herb is available in the North America. It works effectively both in male and females. In women just before and durign menses there is certainly much stress and anxiety along with pain in ovaries. The specific indication of Salix Nigra is nocturnal emissions, sexual erythrism, cystitis, libidinous thoughts, erotomania and satyriasis, urethral irritation, lascivious dreams etc.
Homeopathic Salix Nigra Plants
Key Symptoms o f Salix Nigra
  • 01. Red color
  • 02. Face Swollen
  • 03. Sore to touch and on motion
  • 04. Roots of hair hurt.
  • 01. Aching movement of the testicles
  • 02. Masturbation
  • 03. Nocturnal emissions
  • 01. Before menses too much anxious
  • 02. During menses much nervous trouble
  • 03. Pain in ovaries
  • 04. Difficult menstruation
  • 05. Bleeding with uterine fibroid
  • 06. Ovarian congestion and neuralgia
  • 07. Menorrhagia
  • 08. Nymphomania
  • 01. Cannot step out quickly
  • 02. Severe pain across lumbar and sacral region

Uses of Salix Nigra
  • 01. Salix Nigra acts as a homeopathic sexual tonic and has marked action on sexual organs
  • 02. This homeopathic remedy is used for both female and males organs.
  • 03. In males there is pain in the testicles area. Salix Nigra moderates male sexual passion. It also helps to remove the habit of masturbation and problems of spermatorrhoea.
  • 04. In females before and during menses there is much anxiety with pain in the ovaries. Women feel too much sexual desire. There is ovarian congestion and also neuralgia.
  • 05. Excellent sexual excitement with erotic dreams, with violent erections, typically unpleasant, the remedy controls excessive sexual need.
  • 06. Salix Nigra is particularly adapted to the disorders of the sexually immoderate female or male, and of the youth, subject night or the day to libidinous suggestions and lascivious dreams terminating in pollution. It is 100% natural and side effect less homeopathic remedy.