Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications,Treatments

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (QDSL, spastic colitis, irritable bowel syndrome) is usually manifested bloating, cramps and disorders of the intestine. QDSL Symptoms vary from person to person.

For example, one - constipation (difficult and rare bowel movements), another diarrhea, and a third may be those and other symptoms at the same time. Normally, the chair should be formalized, but not hard, do not contain blood streaks, the act of defecation should not be accompanied by pain or spasms of the intestine. 

The frequency of acts of defecation, each one is different for 3 times a day for another 3 times a week. QDSL is not a serious illness. In fact, doctors believe QDSL functional disorder, because the colon examination revealed no signs of illness. QDSL often appear against a background of stress, fatigue, nervous overexcitement.
Causes :- Although the reasons are not clear QDSL, it is known that the colon of people suffering from this disease is more reactive than normal. A person with a job QDSL large intestine change certain triggers, such as certain foods, medications, or stress.

Symptoms :-
  • abdominal pain
  • bloating 
  • gas formation 
  • changes in bowel habits, such as constipation or diarrhea.
What you can do:-
  • Keep a diary of your diet, avoid foods that cause you QDSL (eg, chocolate) 
  • Avoid fatty foods, especially fatty meat, skin of poultry, whole milk, cream, cheese, butter and vegetable oil, margarine, avocados and whipped cream 
  • increase the proportion of fiber in your diet (for this fit whole wheat bread, beans, fruits, and vegetables), 
  • for the relief of diarrhea and intestinal cramps eat small meals, but often 
  • try less nervous, use a variety of techniques to relieve stress 
  • if you horilka in the stool has an admixture of blood, you lose weight or suffer prolonged abdominal pain, contact your doctor. 
Eating fiber and use of laxatives (occasionally) can relieve constipation, but for starters, you should consult with your doctor. 

Studies have shown that women have symptoms appear sharper during the menstrual cycle, so if you are taking hormones, remember that they can cause aggravation QDSL.

What can a doctor:- Specific analysis QDSL does not exist. The doctor will prescribe tests and studies to rule out other diseases. Excluded from the list of possible diagnoses a serious disease, the doctor will calm you.

In such cases usually, recommend a diet rich in fiber. The doctor will advise that you need to change in lifestyle.

Of the medicines prescribed mild tranquilizers (if you are under stress or pathological anxiety), antispasmodics, antidiarrheal drugs and laxatives in the case of constipation.

Prophylaxis of irritable bowel syndrome :- 
- Choose foods rich in fiber, such as whole-grain bread, vegetables, and fruit. 
- try not to eat foods that can aggravate symptoms, such as artificial sweeteners, dairy products, and caffeine, especially if you have diarrhea. Make a wish list of products that you are poorly tolerated.
Learn to cope with stress, do special exercises and use a variety of relaxation techniques.
