Avena Sativa: Symptoms, Uses, Health Benefits and Side Effects

Avena Sativa - A Homeopathic Tonic for Nerves

It is actually a popular nerve tonic and also recognized as oats. Avena Sativa is perfectly fit for the middle aged peoples. It is used to improve testosterone and libido of our body. So Avena sativa is also popular as bodybuilding testosterone supplements. Some people use it as a nerve driver. Because it gives enough support making our nerve system strong. As a homeopathic remedy, mother tinctures of avena sativa are used as nerve tonics. It keeps a great useful contribution when moving back from an addiction to smoking, alcohol, tranquilizers or other medication and antidepressants.  Details about Avena Sativa - Watch Now

Symptoms of Avena Sativa

01. A headache with burning at top of head 
02. Occipital headache 
03. An anxious headache at menstrual period 
04. A headache with phosphatic urine 

01. Nervous exhaustion 
02. Incapability keeping mind on any one subject 

01. Impotency 
02. male function debility 
03. Spermatorrhoea 
04. Weakness after too much indulgence 

01. Amenorrhoea 
02. Weak circulation 
03. Dysmenorrhoea 

Health Benefits or Uses of Avena Sativa

01. This remedy continues to be linked to elevated pleasure throughout intercourse. The improved pleasure is as a consequence of more testosterone in the bloodstream. This hormone can be a significant issue in keeping a balanced male function. 
02. It is specially used in the temporary impotence of young newly married males. Avena Sativa gives very fruitful and quick result with some other homeopathic remedy like Salix nigra, taphysagria and Sabal serrulata.

03. Avena Sativa is manly use for spasmodic and nervous disorders with exhaustion. Cardiac weakness, spermatorrhea problem, the nervous debility of convalescence are common symptoms of homeopathic avena sativa. 

04. In male function neurasthenia, homeopathic Avena Sativa has a selective influence upon the nerve system of the genito-urinary apparatus. Because of its selective power upon the total nervous structure, which supplies the reproductive organs. Nervous palpitation of the heart, insomnia, nervous excitement, and mental weakness, or failure and general debility caused by masturbation can be easily removed using this remedy. 

05. Because avena sativa gives stability towards the nervous and hormonal techniques, it helps to stabilizes blood sugar, reduces hot flashes, and eases signs and symptoms of nervousness, insomnia and exhaustion. For premenstrual syndrome relief, this remedy need to be taken regularly for 15 days out with the month. 

06. As a nerve tonic this remedy directly acts in the brain and nutritive function of the organism increasing nerve strength and providing the nutrition of the entire system. It is also useful for improving healthier bones, hair, skin, and nails as a result of its wealthy nutrients of silicon, zinc, calcium, manganese, and phosphorus along with vitamins A, B1, B2 and E. 

07. Avena Sativa is nourishing remedy applicable to any state of debility and exhaustion and through convalescence. It really is suited as a long-term treatment in nervous debility. It is a remedy of great utility in loss of nerve power and in muscular feebleness from lack of nerve force.It helps to remove depression. 

08. Avena sativa has received substantial focus from the homeopathic and other medical communities for its role in minimizing blood cholesterol. Nutrition professionals feel that Beta glucans, inhibit cholesterol helps to reduce heart problems. 

Side Effects of Avena sativa

Normal doses of homeopathic Avena sativa does not lead to any significant side effects occurring. Sometimes excess taking of Avena sativa mother tincture may cause sleep problems, dryness of mouth, vomiting, nausea and also nervousness. Therefore it is recommended that this tonic remedy should not take during the period of pregnancy without discussion with any physician. 

Homeopathic Avena saiva is not a traditional medicine like others. One can use this remedy as a food supplement. Though Avena saiva has not any major side effects. Fifteen drops of this remedy can take twice a day as a tonic. But it is recommended that every remedy should take according to the suggestion of an experienced physician.


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  3. How my nervousness was cured
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  5. Any side effect while in take SBL sativa and R41.

  6. Any side effect while in take SBL sativa and R41.

  7. Can we use it for Tremors of the body,(avena sativa mother tincture)


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