Argentum Nitricum - Symptoms, Uses and Side effects

Argentum Nitricum is also known as Silver Nitrate. The particular therapeutic usage of this homeopathic remedy perfectly fit for the middle ages whenever it is used as an antiseptic along with corrosive to deal with injuries. Nowadays Argentum Nitricum continues to be used in wart treatments. The signs of gentle poisoning are anxiousness along with disappointment.It is originally proved by Dr. Hahnemann and once more by Muller in 1845.

General Symptoms Better for: Conditions that improve symptoms 
01. Fresh air 
02. Cool 
03. Pressure on pain or discomfort area

General Symptoms Worse for: Conditions that make the symptoms worse 
01. Warmth 
02. At night 
03. Hot weather 
04. Stress 
05. Sweet foods 
06. Lying on the left side 

Main Symptoms of Argentum Nitricum 
01. Disturbance in the memory 
02. Wants to do things in a hurry 
03. Strange ideas and notions along with fears come into his mind 
04. Looking forward to times he is nervous 
05. Thinks his understanding will and must fail 
06. Fear of death 
07. Sadness, confusion and melancholy 
08. Faintish and unsteady 
09. Over anxious state that death is near 

01. Anxiety with palpitation 
02. Great restiveness 
03. Nervous faintish and the tremulous sensation 
04. Heart’s action irregular and intermittent 
05. Violent palpitation from the least mental sentiment 

01. Exciting troubles cause appearance of hemi cranial attacks 
02. Headache from mental exertion from the excitement, dancing 
03. Vertigo with the buzzing in ears and with worried affections 
04. Headaches are of a congestive character 
05. Pains in the right side of the head 

01. Eye symptoms are very frequent to mention 
02. Paretic state of ciliary muscle 
03. Release abundant and purulent 
04. Chemosis with strangulated vessels 
05. Unable to keep eyes fixed steadily 
06. Purulent ophthalmia 

01. Face sunken, bluish and pale 
02. Looks prematurely old 
03. Sweat stood in drops on the face 
04. Heavy breathing with blue face 

01. Itching in the nose 
02. Loss of smell 
03. Coryza with chilliness and headache 
04. Ulcers in septum 

01. Tip is red and painful 
02. Gums tender and bleed easily 
03. Tongue has well-known papillae 
04. Taste coppery 
05. Ache in sound teeth 

01. Painful spot over stomach 
02. Ulcerative pain in left area under ribs 
03. Massive distention 
04. Nausea and vomiting of glairy mucus 

01. Dark redness of throat 
02. Raw, rough and sore 
03. Strangulated emotion 
04. Feeling of a splinter in throat on swallowing 
05. Constriction and burning 

01. Diarrhea right after eating 
02. Itching of anus 
03. Watery, flatulent, noisy and green stool 
04. Fluids go right after sweets 

01. Brown, hard and tense skin 
02. Irregular blotches 
03. Drawing in skin 

01. Urethra inflamed with pain, itching, and burning 
02. Release of a few drops after having finished 
03. Urine passes instinctively, day and night 

01. Worried erethism at change of life 
02. Extreme spasm of chest muscles 
03. Leucorrhoea with erosion of cervix bleeding easily 
04. Gastralgia at beginning of the menses 

01. Impotence 
02. Coition painful 
03. Erection fails when coition is attempted 
04. Genitals shrivel 
05. Desire wanting 
06. Cancer-like ulcers 

Uses of Argentum Nitricum

01. Argentum nitricum is applied for removing various types of nervousness and apprehensions that are set off by overexcited thoughts. This is a homeopathic remedy for the conditions like claustrophobia, stage anxiety and, fright in spite of unexpected circumstances.

02. Argentum nitricum is also suggested for curing digestive disorders like gas, diarrhea, vomiting and burning headaches that begin slowly and are a result of uncontrollable too much amounts of sweet foods.

03. This remedy is very helpful for pain that gets better when pressure is applied and when the patient is in fresh air. Asthma, colicky pain during weaning, warts, dizziness and hoarseness are also symptoms of Argentum nitricum.

04. This homeopathic remedy is especially useful for women. It gives for a bearing down sense within the uterus owing to menstruation. It is also helpful for curing the inflammation of mucous membrane, chiefly in the eyes.

05. Homeopath suggested to use this remedy in such specific conditions such as, anxiety with the sleeplessness, sweating, palpitations, also vomiting.

06. Argentum nitricum is very helpful to remove some male diseases such as: long lime impotence problem, painful coition and erection fails when the coition is attempted. High potency of this remedy gives prompt result to solve those problems.

This remedy is poisonous if ingested. Repeated small doses can create as much as poisonous ranges. It is better to use this remedy discussing with any homeopath. The proper potency of Argentum nitricum must remove your problem permanently. 


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