Asthma – Causes, Symptoms and Homeopathy

Asthma is actually a physical disorder that causes shortness of breath, the airways of the lungs to narrow and swell, coughing, leading to wheezing, chest tightness and some other breathing complexities. It makes breathing trouble for more than thirty four million peoples of USA. A homeopathic physician must think about the previous skin ailment of the patients during the time of treatment. Children with this problem often experienced eczema before in life. But with proper treatment for appropriate symptoms of asthma, adults and children can live well. Whenever a homeopath wants to treat a patient using homeopathy, good attention is required to choose correct remedies according to the symptoms.

Causes of Asthma
The real causes of Asthma are not easy to identify in maximum time. We know some of the factors that contribute to develop asthma.
  • 01. Having a parent with eczema, asthma, or hay fever leads a child’s danger of developing asthma.
  • 02. It is seen that there are more women with asthma than men in adults.
  • 03. Obesity or over weight increases the risk of asthma problem.
  • 04. Expressing strong sentiments include fear, anger, and excitement also responsible to develop asthma.
  • 05. Genetic factors are involved in developing asthma.
  • 06. The young boys have smaller lungs than girls. For this reason more boys have asthma than girls.
  • 07. Exercise particularly in cold air is a frequent asthma trigger. But the symptoms of exercise-induced asthma generally go away within a few hours.
  • 08. Children of mothers who smoke are four times more likely to breathe with difficulty.
  • 09. Sudden changes in weather, cold air, dry wind, can sometimes bring on an asthma episode.
  • 10. Smoking during the period of pregnancy can harm a baby’s lungs and lead to respiratory sickness.
  • 11. Kids who have respiratory infections while they are infants may be up to forty percent more probable to develop the asthma.
  • 12. Air pollution may create asthma symptoms worse even though it is not understandable whether pollution causes the complexities of asthma. 
  • 13. Children who are exposed to tobacco smoke have more chest infections which lead to develop asthma problem.
  • 14. Experience to certain substances in the office can cause work-related asthma. Chemical irritants in the workplace also responsible develop asthma.
  • 15. Some medication such as aspirin may cause to develop asthma.

    Symptoms of Asthma
    • 01. Some symptoms of asthma include dark circles under the eyes, sore throat, and change in the color of the face feeling tired or irritable.
    • 02. Frequent cough, especially at night period
    • 03. Some people feels symptoms only if exposed to triggers
    • 04. Losing the breath easily and shortness of the breath
    • 05. Wheezing is the best-known symptom of asthma
    • 06. Some children experience an itch on the back of the neck just prior to an attack of asthma
    • 07. Wheezing or coughing right after the exercise
    • 08. With more severe asthma, wheezing may occur at night
    • 09. Feeling tired, grouchy, easily upset and moody
    • 10. Coughing, Shortness of breath is common symptoms of asthma
    • 11. Very rapid breathing and Chest pain or pressure

       Asthma and Homeopathy
      Yerba Santa:
      • Yerba Santa is often used to treat the common cold, as well as chronic respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis. This remedy has been used traditionally for asthma attacks; it helps to clean the throat and lungs, colds, fluid in the lungs. It is a great expectorant and decongestant, making it useful for respiratory blocking due to colds, flu, bronchitis and hay fever; it helps to reduce maximum complex symptoms of asthma. 
      • If symptoms are spasmodic then Pulsetilla operates well. The patient feels nervous and heaviness in the chest. There are problems of breathing, sudden wheezing along with a sense of suffocation, which might be worse when the patient try to move and cough generates with vomiting and retching. The remedy Ipecac can be used when the cough is continuous and the chest seems filled with phlegm, still nothing at all is coughed up. The extremities are seems covered with cold sweat.
      Carbo vegitable:
      • This remedy is helpful when symptoms have a tense, constricted feeling while in the lower part of the chest, with feeling of pressure in the stomach. The patient finds relief by belching, and likes to loosen the clothes. Situations are usually worse in the beginning of the day. Carbo vegitable might be useful when gastric troubles bring on the asthmatic attacks, and while in simple irregular asthma. Both mental effort and physical hard work could lead the symptoms worse, warmness and rest more often than not brings the relief. If there is abundance of abdominal irritation and significantly flatulence, the remedy Nux vomica could be mixed with Carbo vegetable and Lycopodium.
      • It is an equivalent remedy to Arsenic alb. Ipecanum is mainly helpful if the disease is chronic, the patient is older and the difficulty breathing is dry.When the attacks of the disease take place at midnight and 2 a.m. then Ipecanum acts perfectly. Patient feels tired yet experiences pain and restlessness, fearing suffocation if lies down. There is surely a sweat, and the patient is generally thirsty. In the event the patient falls asleep once more, awakened with pain and burning soreness inside the chest, heat in the head. Arsenicum also follows Ipecac adequately, and is especially helpful in those that are anemic.
      Spongia Tosta:
      • This homeopathic remedy is indicated by a barking cough for the period of an asthma attack. Difficult breathing contains a sawing noise along with tiny mucus is made. The patients feels well when sitting up, when leaning forward and tilting the head back. Hot drinks could advantageous. The complexities generally begin before midnight while the patient is asleep.
      • When the patient has a hard, dry, exasperating cough that starts right after getting to be overexcited and angry then chamomilla should be used. The cough is typically worse about 9 p.m. and might be carrying on in to the nightfall. The victim could be extremely touchy and agitated, and acts oversensitive.
      Kali Bichromicum:
      • This powerful remedy might possibly permit patients who attack at about 3 or 4 a.m., which has a sensation as if there were no air in the upper body. Person feels compelled to sit up to breathe, and twisting forward even the sitting may bring some relief. Person coughs up stringy yellow-colored mucus.
      Antimonium tartaricum:
      • It is used as a common remedy for asthma problem for some definite symptoms. The presence crackling sounds during the chest is the main symptoms of Antimonium tartaricum. The upper body looks swollen with phlegm the person unable to cough up. The person must sit up at about 3 a.m., has severe troubles of breathing, and feels suffocated also. This homeopathic remedy is particularly apt to young kids and the elderly.
      Blatta Orientalis:
      • Some homeopathic remedies act as a legend to remove the complexities of Asthma instantly. Blatta Orientalis is one of them. The mother tincture of this remedy is very effective to treat asthma when the patients are unable to breathe with much mucus.