Benefits and side effects of Damiana / Turnera Diffusa

Turnera Diffusa leaves are popularly known as Damiana. It is actually a homeopathic remedy and some people use it as a health tonic. 'Turnera Diffusa' is the botanical title of this herb but locally it is recognized as Mexican Damiana, old woman's broom. Everybody should use this remedy according to the appropriate symptoms. Because it has some minor side effects.

The herb of Damiana is available in the Mexico, southern US and parts of South America. Its leaves are yellow-brown in color. It was firstly made to deal with dizziness and loss of balance, and later on as an aphrodisiac.

  • Mild purgative 
  • Aphrodisiac 
  • Thymoleptic 
  • Gastric 
  • Antidepressant 

Benefits Of Damiana

  • Normally the mother tincture of homeopathic Damiana is used as the nerve tonic and an aphrodisiac for both men and women. 
  • It helps to increase the libido ensuing in considerably higher sex drives 
  • Homeopathic Damiana increase the intensity and satisfaction levels of the sexual act itself 
  • This remedy boosts energy level which does a lot to restore libido along with desire 
  • The remedy can be used to enhance vitality levels 
  • Mother tincture of homeopathic Damiana brings oxygen to the genital area 
  • It stimulates the intestinal tract 
  • It often restores the ability to get orgasm in women 
  • It is also used as a universal health tonic to improve wellness 
  • Damiana improves digestion and to treat constipation problem 
  • This remedy is popularly used as a fat reducer. Many homeopaths use it to treat obesity. 
  • An alkaloid in this remedy acts like the male testosterone hormone. It has already proven by research that Damiana leaves have the potential to improve the levels of testosterone. 

Side Effects of Damiana

Anemia:- This homeopathic remedy has the capability improving the body’s zinc and alcium absorption. This might result in poor iron absorption of the body, which can lead to anemia and infertility. 

Insomnia:- Though Damiana provides enough energy to the nerve system but should not use it before going to bed. Sometimes it causes insomnia. Unnecessary use might cause sleeplessness and also severe headaches. 

Allergic Reaction:- If anybody experience trouble in breathing along with the itching, severe headache problems they might be allergic to this homeopathic Damiana. If these symptoms do not ease, it is better to discuss with a physician. 

Some lung problems:- Some people use it as smoking. Remember this smoking Damiana can harm the lungs which can cause breathing difficulties and the lung cancer also. 

Hyperglycemia:- Homeopathic mother tincture of Damiana can decrease the sugar levels of blood, but too much can lead to hypoglycemia. Diabetes patients should not use this remedy without discussing the homeopathic physician. 

Weight loss:- Excess taking of this homeopathic remedy is also could trigger weight loss in some people. 

For women :- Damania may harm the children of a mother during pregnancy. This remedy should not take at that time. 

Gastrointestinal problems :- Sometimes Damiana may cause stomachache and diarrhea when anybody uses it as a remedy of constipation. So it these problems occurs just stops taking this remedy. But it does not create any fatal problems.