Characteristic Symptoms of Caladium Seguinum

Homeopathic Caladium Seguinum is simply recognized for some male problems such as seminal weakness, spermatorrhoea, nocturnal emissions etc. Relaxation of the male organs so that emissions occur without any dreams is very common symptoms of this remedy. Caladium Seguinum has many characteristic symptoms which help to refer proper potency to any person. But this remedy is actually use for male problems.

Nervous excitation, fear of catching any disease, no erection even after caress, no orgasm and no emission during an embrace, Impotence after gonorrhea, excitement and mental depression, cold and relaxed penis with sexual desire are the main symptoms of Caladium Seguinum.

Characteristic symptoms of Caladium Seguinum
  • 01. Dull frontal headache
  • 02. Numbness in side of head
  • 03. Vertigo with nausea in the mornings
  • 04. Throbbing pain in the head
  • 05. Headache with nausea
  • 06. Sharp cutting pain in temples
  • 07. Fullness in head, as if too much blood were there
  • 01. Eyeballs sore 
  • 02. Eyeballs sensitive to pressure
  • 03. Pressive and dull aching in portion of eyeballs
  • 04. Eyelids red and inflamed with smarting and also burning
  • 01. Nose is Fluent 
  • 02. Stopped coryza
  • 01. Absentmindedness
  • 02. Very irritable and depressed
  • 03. Confused and cannot concentrate the mind
  • 01. Tongue swollen
  • 02. Tongue coated white
  • 03. Severe toothache 
  • 04. Teeth feel elongated
  • 05. Dark-brown streak in center of the tongue
  • 01. Dryness in throat
  • 02. Roughness in throat
  • 01. Acid eructation
  • 02. Nausea in morning on rising time
  • 03. Pressing and weak gone sensation in stomach
  • 04. Frequent eructation of very little wind, as if the stomach were full of the dry food
  • 01. Abdomen swollen and tender to touch
  • 02. Irregular cutting pain in abdomen
Female Organs:
  • 01. Cramp-like pain in the uterus
  • 02. Pruritus of vulva along with the vagina
Respiratory Organs:
  • 01. Sharp stitches in right side of chest
  • 02. Rash on the chest, itching extremely
  • 03. Oppression of breathing, cannot get his breath simply
  • 04. The irritation to cough seems to originate above the larynx
  • 05. Larynx and trachea seem constricted
  • 06. Impedes deep breathing
Male Organs:
  • 01. Organs swollen and puffy
  • 02. Sexual desire with relaxed penis
  • 03. Very painful erections without any desire
  • 04. Frequent nocturnal emissions
  • 05. Impotence with mental the depression
  • 01. Stool containing hard lumps
  • 02. Very scanty as well as pasty stool
  • 03. Burning in the anus after stool
  • 04. Urging to stool on rising in the morning
  • 05. Soft and pasty stools, passed with difficulty
  • 06. Clay-colored stools
  • 01. Rheumatic pain in back 
  • 02. Can hardly turn in the bed
  • 01. Trembling of the limbs
  • 02. Limbs feel tired and weak
  • 03. Rheumatic pains in the limbs
  • 01. Feverish, skin hot and dry
  • 02. Cold even in a warm room
  • 03. Legs and feet cold
  • 04. Face, head, and hands hot
  • 01. Awfully nervous
  • 02. Tiredness over the whole body
  • 03. Great throbbing all through the body
  • 01. Frightful dreams 
  • 02. Drowsy and sleepy
  • 01. Unrefreshing sleep
  • 02. Groans and moans anxiously in sleep
  • 01. Violent itching on various parts of the body
  • 02. The skin has a rough as well as dry feeling