Common Symptoms and Uses of Rhus toxicodendron

Rhus toxicodendron is also recognized as poison ivy. It is a very familiar remedy in the reign of homeopathy. Now a day research says about 85% people are suffering from back pain. Rhus toxicodendron is one of the best remedy to treat this problem. It is generally used to remove the problems of Lumbago, Rheumatism, back pain, backache, whether the pain is from an old injury or not, body aches during flu, lifting heavy loads that cause bruised and sprained pains sprains. Rhus toxicodendron has most common symptoms to diagnose the actual problems of the body.
Homeopathic Remedy: Rhus toxicodendron
Take ten common question (self-quiz) for quick insight on if Rhus Tox. suits you according to the symptoms
  • 01. Do you suffer from itchy and rashes skin? 
  • 02. Is your arthritis worse first thing in the morning? 
  • 03. Do you suffer from regular poison ivy breakouts?
  • 04. Do you cough after a chill from midnight until 5 p.m.? 
  • 05. Are your signs better after a walk, mild activity? 
  • 06. Are your symptoms worse after prolonged inactivity or sitting? 
  • 07. Do sciatic symptoms come on after exposure to dampness and cold? 
  • 08. Are your flu symptoms accompanied with joint ,bone and muscle pain? 
  • 09. Are your symptoms accompanied with physical restlessness and mental despondency? 
  • 10. Does your back pain contain pain and stiffness in the small of the back and nape of neck?

    Common Symptoms of Rhus toxicodendron
    • 01. Delirium, with fear of being poisoned
    • 02. Listless and also sad
    • 03. Too much anxiety at night, cannot remain in bed
    • 04. Thoughts of suicide
    • 05. Great restlessness, with continued change of the position
    • 01. Stiffness in small of back and nape of neck
    • 01. Aching in all bones
    • 02. Can't lie still and restless
    • 01. Sneezing
    • 02. Tip of nose red, sore and ulcerated
    • 03. Puffiness of nose
    • 04. Coryza from getting wet
    • 05. Nosebleed on stooping
    • 06. Sprains and strains:
    • 07. Restlessness
    • 08.Physically and mentally agitation
    • 01. From overexertion
    • 01. Vertigo when rising
    • 02. Headache in occiput
    • 02. Painful to touch
    • 04. Senses as if a board were strapped on the forehead
    • 05. Pain in forehead and continues thence backward
    • 01. Old injured eyes
    • 02. Iritis, after exposure to cold and dampness
    • 03. Swollen, red, edematous
    • 04. Postural swellings
    • 05. Eye painful on turning it
    • 06. Orbital cellulites
    • 01. Teeth feel loose and long
    • 02. Corners of mouth ulcerated
    • 03. Tongue red and cracked
    • 04. Gums sore
    • 05. Dry and red at edges
    • 06. Tongue coated, apart from red triangular space at the tip
    • 01. Jaws crack when chewing
    • 02. Easy dislocation of jaw
    • 03. Parotitis
    • 04. Facial neuralgia with the chilliness
    • 05. Worse in the evening
    • 06. Cheek bones sensitive to touch
    • 07. Swollen face and erysipelas
    • 01. Bitter to taste
    • 02. Want of appetite for any kind of food
    • 03. Nausea, vertigo after eating
    • 04. Desire for milk
    • 05. Unquenchable thirst
    • 06. Pressure as from a stone
    • 07. Great thirst, with dry mouth and throat
    • 01. Dry and teasing cough
    • 02. Coughs on putting hands out of bed
    • 03. Coughs from midnight until morning
    • 04. Coughs during a chill    

    Uses of Rhus toxicodendron
    • 01. Homeopathic Rhus tox is indicated for diaper rash, herpes, blisters and eczema
    • 02. It is used to treat itching, red, swollen and burning skin
    • 03. Symptoms typical of flu, viral infections with high fevers, dizziness caused by walking or standing, coughs that clear up when talking can be treated with this remedy
    • 04. This remedy is also helpful against shingles, chicken pox hives, and poison ivy
    • 05. Rhus tox is mostly use to treat rheumatic complaints
    • 06. Some abdominal pains and vaginal pain of women are treated wish this remedy
    • 07. rheumatism and osteoarthritis are the main symptoms of Rhus tox
    • 08. It is a primary remedy for joint pain, backaches, and stiffness
    • 09. Rhus tox is appropriate remedy to treat rheumatic fever.