Selenium - Symptoms, Uses and Side Effects

Selenium is a very common homeopathic remedy, as a pure natural component of the body system; it is essentially needed for the tissues to run effectively. It actually works inside of digestive enzymes and also performs a vital role in the produce of anti-oxidants. We get selenium in our body from the diet. Fish, poultry, Crab, liver, and wheat are usually good sources of selenium.

Main Symptoms of Selenium

01. Headache problem every afternoon 
02. Problem of a headache after drinking lemonade, tea or wine 
03. Pain in scalp as if hair were pulled out 
04. Headache of drunkards, 
05. A headache after debauchery 
06. Head becomes affected by academic labor 

01. Dread of society 
02. Complicated comprehension 
03. Reveries of a melancholy and religious character 
04. Mental labor fatigues him 
05. Enormous loquacity found of conversing 
06. Excessive forgetfulness 

01. Pains deep in orbits 
02. Falling off of eyebrows 
03. Itching vesicles on eyebrows 
04. Irregular twitching of left eyeball 

01. Shining skin of face 
02. Upper lip cracked 
03. Twitching in muscles 
04. Immense emaciation of face and hand 

01. Itching in nose 
02. Yellow, thick, gelatinous mucus in nose 
03. Itching in nostrils 
04. Fluent coryza in evening 
05. Affinity to bore fingers into nose 
06. Whole barrier of nose 

01. Teeth covered with mucus 
02. Toothache 
03. Boring in molars 
04. Pain with feeling of coldness 
05. A toothache from tea 
06. Teeth become free of mucus 
07. Better taking cold water and cold air into mouth 

01. Dryness 
02. Hawking of lumps of mucus in morning 

01. Pain under root of tongue 
02. Stammering speech with great difficulty 
03. Tongue loaded with a thick white coating in morning 

01. Inclination to vomit 
02. Hiccough and risings after smoking 
03. Cramp in stomach 
04. Pressure in stomach 
05. Feels very sick after sleep 

01. Hard evacuations 
02. Problem of constipation 
03. Stools very difficult and threaten to tear anus 
04. Stool so hard and impacted 

01. Throbbing of the arteries in the whole body 
02. Pain in the liver 
03. Violent shootings in spleen when walking 
04. Deep feeling of external pressure 
05. Red itching 
06. Pains feeling in right side 

01. Scanty and red in evening 
02. Red sediment, like coarse sand 
03. Dribbling of urine after micturition 
04. Involuntary dribbling of urine when walking 
05. Sensation in tip of urethra 

01. Menses delayed about 8 days 
02. Menses dark and copious 

01. Tickling and itching in genitals 
02. Pollutions with the flaccidity of penis 
03. Discharge of semen, drop by drop, during sleep 
04. Itching especially in scrotum 
05. Impotence with lascivious ideas 
06. Thin and scent less semen 
07. Debility and peevishness after coition 
08. Gonorrhoea 

Uses of Selenium

Heart problems: People with heart disease who take homeopathic selenium daily in mixture with, vitamin C, beta-carotene and vitamin E do not seem to have a lower chance of having heart disease 

Cancer prevention: Taking a combination of homeopathic remedy selenium along with zinc vitamin C mg, vitamin and beta-carotene do not lower the overall chance of developing cancer of any type. 

Diabetes: People with low selenium levels in the body have a higher chance of getting type 2 diabetes. But who have high amounts of selenium in the body also have increased the chance of getting type 2 diabetes? 

Lung cancer: Growing selenium intake does not seem to lower the risk of receiving the lung cancer, excluding in people who have lower than normal levels of selenium (selenium deficiency). 

Skin cancer: Taking homeopathic mother tincture of selenium does not seem to lessen the danger of getting a particular type of skin cancer recognized as basal cell carcinoma. Taking more selenium might truly increase the threat of getting another type of skin cancer which is known as squamous cell carcinoma.

Side Effects :- The limited use of Selenium low potency is very useful but excess use of this remedy may cause some problems such as Nausea, vomiting, Hair loss, nail brittleness, Fatigue, Muscle tenderness, Irritability, Shakiness, Weight loss etc. People may also experience breathing difficulty, Itching, Swelling of the throat or mouth. 
