Angioedema - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, Treatment

Angioedema is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction manifested by the sudden appearance of extensive edema of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascia, muscles. This condition can develop at any age. About 10% of people at least once in their lives suffered a similar condition.

Causes:- At the heart of angioedema is an allergic reaction of the immediate type. Tissue edema associated with increased vascular permeability caused by the release of mediators (histamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, cytokines, etc.) From sensitized mast cells, basophils, when expos allergen.As such an allergen may make foods (peanuts, chocolate, milk, fruit and exotic al.), The pollen or dust inhaled allergens, as well as pharmaceuticals. Moreover, the cause edema Kvinkemozhet become impact of various physical factors such as cold, bright sunshine and others.

Symptoms of angioedema : - Angioedema is usually observed in areas with loose fiber - lips, eyelids, cheeks, mouth cavity mucous membranes, scrotal. It has a dense (skin surface is not pressed by clicking on it) due to the nature of high protein edema fluid.
Held out from several hours to 2-3 days, then swelling extends completely. Particularly dangerous is angioedema the larynx (occurs in 30% of cases angioneurotic edema). In this first marked hoarseness, "barking" cough , shortness of breath and then increases with shortness of breath. The complexion becomes cyanotic hue, then sharply turns pale. If there is no rational therapy, patients may die from asphyxiation.

Diagnostics :- Diagnosis is made on clinical grounds. This condition requires a mandatory hospitalization and adequate treatment in a hospital.

What you can do (first aid for angioedema) : - At the slightest suspicion on the development of angioedema should call an ambulance immediately. The situation can change in a matter of seconds, and the slightest delay is dangerous for the life of the patient. Next, you need to remove the allergen that caused such a reaction, help the victim to take a comfortable position and give antihistamines.

What can a doctor : - Depending on the doctor's actions edema localization will be different. In any case it requires the introduction of potent antiallergic drugs. The patient with edema of the larynx requires immediate hospitalization in an intensive care unit or intensive care unit.

Prevention : - Angioedema usually comes on suddenly, and prevent its development is not possible. If you have ever been the case of such an allergic reaction, you should avoid contact with the allergen that caused it. Patients who had undergone previous angioedema, have to carry a card stating their allergy. If the allergen has served drug, do not forget to report it on subsequent calls to the doctor.