Ectopic Pregnancy - Symptoms, Causes, Complications, Treatment

Ectopic pregnancy : After fertilization, the sperm, the egg enters the uterus and attach to its wall. Here, in the subsequent development of the fetus and the placenta is formed will occur. The attachment of the egg to the other atypical places called an ectopic pregnancy.

In most cases, the fertilized egg at an ectopic pregnancy is embedded in the wall of the fallopian tube. Less commonly, it remains in the ovary or on its surface or in the follicle - the bubble in which there was an egg maturation. Even more rarely, the egg passes through the fallopian tubes into the stomach and settles on the internal organs. In most cases, an ectopic pregnancy occurs between the ages of 25-30 years. Recently, she began to meet more often.

The causes of ectopic pregnancy:- In normal fertilization, - compound oocyte with sperm, - occurs in the fallopian tube. Then, the fertilized egg is fed back to the uterus wall and on which is deposited. This process may be disrupted as a result of the following reasons:

01. Inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes. However, their side can not normally be reduced and transport the egg to the uterus. This is - the reason about half of all ectopic pregnancies.

02. adhesions in the abdomen, which connect the fallopian tubes to the adjacent organs, thus disrupting their location and permeability (due to kinks) - on them can not normally move the egg. Most often, the spikes are the result of the same inflammatory process.

03.  Violation of the ovaries work. They occur when hormonal disorders or inflammation.

04. The underdevelopment of the genital system. In this ovarian function is lowered, and the fallopian tubes become longer so the fertilized egg can not enter the uterus.

05. Transferred abortion. After curettage of the uterus and inflammation in it often develops in the fallopian tubes.

06. Endometriosis Fallopian tubes - overgrowth of tissue in it, reminiscent of the structure of the uterine lining. In this partly or completely overlaps the lumen of the fallopian tubes, their throughput is disturbed.

07. uterus and fallopian tubes.

08.  Inflammatory processes in the gut, the bladder, the appendix (appendicitis).

09.  conducting a study in which it was found that the ectopic pregnancy occurs in 2% of women undergoing in vitro fertilization. However, a clear link between this disease and the manipulation is not established yet.
Manifestations of ectopic pregnancy :- The lining of the uterus prepares itself to receive a fertilized egg. The mucosa of the fallopian tube can not be prepared in the same manner. For pregnancy creates unfavorable conditions, so it is rarely live up to 5 - 6 weeks. Most often, an interrupt occurs earlier. However, the woman has the same features as in the present pregnancy:

stop getting their periods, the breasts increase in size, one begins to stand out colostrum. Nausea and vomiting, emotional instability, taste perversion. Positive pregnancy test. Ectopic pregnancy is very difficult to distinguish from normal. This can be done the only gynecologist after survey.

Complications of ectopic pregnancy :- The main complication of ectopic pregnancy - her self-interruption. It always happens unexpectedly, leads to a strong deterioration of women and can cause death. The most dangerous option interrupted ectopic pregnancy - rupture of the fallopian tube. It occurs usually during bowel movements or performs physical work. A woman suddenly appears a strong pain in the lower abdomen, which gives the rectum. The skin becomes pale, cold clammy sweat appears. Blood pressure drops. 

Woman loses consciousness due to massive blood loss and pain shock. Fallopian tube rupture occurs in cases where the pregnancy develops in her tight spots. Pipe abortion - a variant interrupt the ectopic pregnancy, where the fallopian tube rupture occurs. A woman having cramping pain in the lower abdomen, which are repeated at different time intervals. Vaginal blood is released gradually. Gradually, as a result of bleeding near the uterus is formed an accumulation of blood. The woman becomes pale, constantly experiencing weakness.

Forecast :- If the operation is performed in time, the prognosis is favorable. But about half of the women after treatment of the inflammation of the fallopian tubes or adhesions, which lead to a recurrence of ectopic pregnancy. Therefore gynecologist appoints rehabilitation treatment:
  • On the 5th day after the surgery, the fallopian tubes begin to wash every day, introducing them to the uterus solutions. A course of treatments continued for 2 weeks. Simultaneously being treated with ultrasound.
  • After 2, and then 3 - 4 months, repeat the course, it is joined by inductothermy, enzymes, bio-stimulating drugs.
  • Then, carry out the final rehabilitation treatment, ozocerite or mud.
What can you do :- Recognize ectopic pregnancy alone is not possible - it takes place in the same way as a normal pregnancy. After the test showed a positive result, you should immediately report to the doctor and get registered in the antenatal clinic. If a woman is constantly under the supervision of a gynecologist, the ectopic pregnancy can be detected earlier.

What can the doctor do:- Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy - surgery alone. It is usually detected during an ultrasound. Female immediately placed in a hospital and prepared for surgery. In most cases, the fallopian tube, which was attached egg is removed completely. Young women, in some cases it is possible to have plastic surgery and keep the tube. If there are signs of an ectopic pregnancy interruption, the operation should be performed on an emergency basis, for 30 - 40 minutes. On the operating table immediately begin blood transfusions and blood products.
