Infertility - Symptoms, Causes, Complications, Treatment

Infertility: Ten to 15% of couples in the United States are infertile. Causes of infertility or reproductive problems include disease and aging. Male infertility is as common as female infertility. It is a disease of the reproductive system. About 30% of infertility can be attributed to male factors, and about one third (30%) can be attributed to female factors.  In about 20% of cases infertility is unexplained, and the remaining 10% of infertility is caused by a combination of problems in both partners. It should be understood that this in no way means that the pair will never be able to have children. In many cases, infertility can be successfully treated. 

Causes of infertility :- According to statistics, 40% of infertile couples can not conceive because of problems related to male health, 40% - due to the problems of women and 20% - a combined infertility when there is a combination of male and female infertility. Any irregularities in the process of maturation of gametes and fertilization process may condition the impossibility of conceiving.

The most common causes of male infertility are inflammatory and infectious diseases (prostatitis, urethritis), obstruction of the seminiferous tubules, varicose veins testicular hormonal disorders, psychosexual disorders, loss of potency.
For reasons of female infertility include infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, hormonal disorders, fallopian tubes, uterus anatomical defects, endometriosis and others.

What you can do:- Do not self-medicate! Do not resort to alternative medicine! If you are in vain trying to conceive for over a year, you should always consult a doctor. Procrastination can be dangerous and lead to irreparable consequences.

What can a doctor :- It is necessary to correctly find the cause of infertility. The survey includes men inspection and palpation of the male sex organs, digital prostate study, ultrasound prostate, and testicles. The most informative method for studying male fertility is a semen analysis. In preparation for analysis, should minimize smoking and drinking (semen quality declines), you need 3-5 day abstinence from sexual activity.

The methods of the study women include:
  • gynecological examination; 
  • strokes from the vaginal mucosa; 
  • Analysis of the menstrual calendar; 
  • Pelvic ultrasound; 
  • investigation of hormonal status; 
  • hysterosalpingography to verify patency of the fallopian tubes; 
  • hysteroscopy uterine endoscopic examination; 
  • endometrial biopsy endometrial sampling slices for histological examination.
The treatment plan is drawn up, depending on the cause of infertility. Treatment can be surgical or medical. Sometimes a single course of anti-infectious therapy, and sometimes it takes a long hormonal correction.
