Ovarian Apoplexy - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Remedy, Treatment

Atrophic vaginitis - a set of trophic disorders of the vaginal mucosa associated with a deficiency of sex hormones in the menopause. Atrophic vaginitis of the most common gynecological disorders, observed in menopause. This disease has a close relationship with a deficit of sex hormones (estrogen) in women that occurs after menopause. 7-10 years after the cessation of menstruation vaginitis it occurs in approximately half of the women and 10 years later, and its frequency increases to 73-75%. 

There are two forms of atrophic vaginitis: postmenopausal and associated with artificial menopause.

The causes of the disease :- Estrogen, which is produced by the women ovaries, plays a very important role in keeping vaginal tissues lubricated and healthy. When the levels of estrogen are low, vaginal tissue becomes atrophic - thin, shrunken and dry. The vagina may become more prone to inflammation in an atrophic state. 

Under physiological conditions, estrogens promote the proliferation of vaginal epithelium. Normally estrogen levels provide lactic acid formation acidic vaginal state, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of "useful" lactobacilli and inhibits the growth of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic.
In climacteric atrophic changes occur that lead to a decrease in the vaginal lumen, epithelial thinning it, smoothing vaginal folds. Such atrophic changes serve as a background for a long chronicity of inflammatory processes (bacterial vaginitis).

Symptoms :- The most common clinical manifestations of atrophic vaginitis: 
  • dryness, itching, burning sensation in the vagina; 
  • non-permanent spotting from the vagina; 
  • a frequent urge to urinate; 
When viewed gynecologist defined smoothing and thinning of the vaginal mucosa, the presence of bleeding for any contact.

In some cases, atrophic vaginitis is asymptomatic.

Diagnostics :- Diagnosis of atrophic vaginitis is based on various studies: 
  • gynecological examination of the vagina and cervix using mirrors; 
  • smears from the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix for cytological examination to rule out cancer pathology; 
  • smears with the vaginal mucosa for microscopy, bacteriological researches; 
  • Extended colposcopy examination; 
  • determination of pH of the vaginal content.
Treatment:- Treatment of atrophic vaginitis replenishment involves local therapy hypoestrogenic. Gormonalnuyu selects gynecologist endocrinologist. Antibiotics in atrophic vaginitis unnecessarily, since this disease is not contagious component.

What will the doctor :- Hormonal therapy is divided into local (the use of ointments, creams or suppositories), and a system. Treatment strategy defines a gynecologist. Systemic hormonal therapy administered in the case of a combination of the symptoms of urogenital atrophy, with the menopausal syndrome and for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Most use local hormonal therapy in the form of ointments.Preimuschestvom this method of administration is rapid effect in the absence of systemic effects. The most commonly used drugs for this purpose estriol.

What you can do:- Upon detection of the above symptoms should immediately consult a gynecologist. It should be remembered that any profuse discharge during menopause is suspicious.
