Proctitis - Causes, Symptoms, Complications,Treatments, Prevention

Proctitis - inflammation of the mucosa of the rectum. It proctitis often combined with inflammatory changes in the sigmoid colon Proctosigmoiditis.

The causes of proctitis :- In proctitis development is important various factors, taking into account that stands out:
  • Alimentary proctitis resulting from excessive consumption of spicy dishes, spices, large doses of alcohol;
  • Gonorrheal proctitis;
  • Stagnant proctitis, which is observed in patients suffering from constipation, against the background of venous congestion in the wall of the rectum and the trauma of the mucous membrane;
  • Radiation proctitis, which is a consequence of radiotherapy of malignant pelvic tumors;
  • parasitemic proctitis caused dysenteric ameba, trichomonads, balantidiasis.
  • Development proctitis may contribute hypothermia, diseases of the rectum and adjacent organs hemorrhoids, anal fissure, abscess Douglas space, prostatitis, cystitis, vulvovaginitis et al.
Symptoms associated proctitis:- The clinical course proctitis is divided into acute and chronic. Acute proctitis has a sudden onset, accompanied by fever, chills, tenesmus (false impulses) against constipation, the sensation of heaviness in the rectum, severe burning therein. Acute proctitis is uncommon, but, having arisen, runs hard due to the local expression of subjective sensations.

Acute proctitis can manifest itself in various morphological forms. The catarrhal-hemorrhagic form is characterized by hyperemia of the intestinal mucosa and diffuse punctate hemorrhages. When catarrhal-purulent from mucosal hyperemia is observed with the presence of pus at its surface. The catarrhal-mucous form is manifested hyperemia rectal mucosa to the presence on its surface of mucus. When polypous form to the intestinal mucosa revealed the formation of polyploid. Erosive proctitis characterized by the presence of erosions on the intestinal mucosa, ulcerative proctitis formation of ulcers.
Ulcerative proctitis is characterized by the presence of multiple erosions or ulcers on the mucous membrane of the rectum. Ulcerative proctitis is a form of ulcerative colitis. However, the clinical course and treatment of ulcerative proctitis different. In ulcerative proctitis, process captured a segment or the entire colon, may not extend above. Clinical manifestations of the disease are very characteristic. Sudden blood appears in the form of droplets on the surface of feces. 

It can be as bright and dark in the form of small clots. Subsequently, it appear bloody or mucous discharge prior-chair or false desires. bowel function is not impaired. The patient usually feels no pain. Proctitis characteristic burning sensation and itching rarely observed. Ulcerative proctitis, radiation often develops immediately, but after a few months after radiotherapy for tumors of the prostate gland or female genital mutilation. In patients appear spotting from the rectum, feeling of heaviness, the pressure in the intestine, frequent false desires.

Chronic proctitis in contrast to acute is very common. Occurs imperceptibly, little by little. Common symptoms are almost absent. Local symptoms are also expressed softly: or just itching in the anal area, or oozing, or burning. Sometimes all of these phenomena are observed simultaneously.

Often the symptoms of chronic proctitis are so minor that the patient avoids going to the doctor, uses home remedies and continues to lead a normal life. Process meanwhile developed: the use of enhanced spicy food burning in the rectum to appear mucous or mucopurulent discharge, sometimes the foreground sharp itching in the anus. bowel function thus usually not disturbed.

Chronic proctitis can flow in hypertrophic, and atrophic forms. With hypertrophic proctitis mucosal folds thickened, friable, with have the usual form, with atrophic smoothed mucosa thinned. It determines the different degrees of hyperemia and edema of the mucosa, contact times its vulnerability.

Complications : - One of the complications can be a narrowing of the rectum.

Prevention: - Prevention proctitis reduced to timely treatment of diseases that contribute to its occurrence.

Forecast :- Acute proctitis with proper treatment ends with recovery. In chronic proctitis, prediction burdened more or less frequent exacerbations, discomfort, and itching in the anus.

What can the doctor do:- The doctor establishes a diagnosis based on history and physical examination data, rectal examination and proctoscopy (sigmoidoscopy). To determine the extent and nature of the inflammatory changes in the cytological study of intestinal contents, feces sowing with a view to determining the composition of intestinal microflora, mucosal biopsies.

In severe forms of acute proctitis (catarrhal-purulent, erosive, polypous, ulcer) treatment is carried out in a hospital. Showing bed rest, a diet with a limited amount of fiber, except for acute, fried foods, spices, and alcohol. Antiinflammatory therapies (antibiotics, sulfonamides) with the assigned inoculation fecal microflora results and sensitivity to drugs. Locally applied microcrystals Collargol, chamomile extract. In subacute inflammation, phenomena designate oily micro enema sitz baths with 0.01% potassium permanganate, crotch warm shower. In severe ulcerative proctitis favorable effect makes use of corticosteroids.

Treatment of chronic proctitis can be performed on an outpatient basis, using the same means as for the treatment of acute proctitis. It is advisable to resort treatment. Assign mud, intestinal lavage with warm alkaline water type Borjomi, Essentuki that promote rejection of mucus and stimulate motility of the colon. Use a range of therapeutic interventions aimed at combating constipation (massage, exercises to develop the abdominals fixing reflex to defecate), but you can not use laxatives. Treatment of complications of the disease (expressed cicatricial narrowings) operative.

What can you do:- When the appearance of any discomfort, burning sensation or itching in the anus is not necessary to self-medicate, or turn a blind eye to it and think that everything will pass by itself. During this time, the process can only get worse and lead to complications. And, of course, it is imperative to treat the underlying disease that led to the proctitis.


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