Athlete's Foot (Tinea Pedis) - Cause, Symptoms, Prevention and Cure

Athlete's foot is the most common fungal disease of the skin. Previously, fungal foot diseases were so common that few people could avoid infection. Fortunately, since 60-70 years, became available drugs that are truly cured patients, not just relief. However, until now athlete's foot remains the most common fungal disease of the skin, followed by distribution of the following ringworm.

The most commonly affected folds of skin between the toes and the surface of the foot (especially the sole), but even the hands may be involved in rare cases. The appearance of the disease at the hands due mainly not a direct infection, and the action of circulating toxins in the bloodstream fungi. On the other hand, when combing soles microorganisms are under the fingernails of the fingers, where they can be transferred to other body parts, including and on the scalp. This is the simplest and the usual route of infection must take into account people exposed to fungal infections. At risk are the athletes and the people who frequent the swimming pools and public showers, persons who do not observe basic rules of hygiene.

Causes of Athlete's Foot

Tinea pedis caused by several species of parasitic fungi. These microorganisms are abundant on the floor in pools and baths, as well as in the hearts of the public with sports facilities. The man who walks barefoot in these places, just asking to be infected.

Wearing the shoes of others and sharing towels and other hygiene products is the second common method of transmission.

If a person once suffered a fungal disease that re-infection occurs very easily.

The fungal growth supports the absence of the right leg care: putting on socks and shoes on wet feet, reuse of dirty socks, insufficient ventilation shoe between its use.

Symptoms of Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot manifests itself is very flexible. The first signs of fungal disease can be the occurrence of cracks, itchy or painful vesicles, diaper rash, skin type roughness corns. Then, the affected skin softened, turn white and begin to peel flakes. Sometimes due to bacterial infection existing bubbles turn into ulcers or sores.
Itching and burning sensation is the almost constant symptom of athlete's foot, and sometimes patients complain of pain and the unpleasant smell of feet.

What you can do

If signs of fungal infection should consult a dermatologist. That doctor should prescribe treatment. We simply give general guidance and advice.

If you are already sick, remember that athlete's foot is a fungal infection and fungus thrive and reproduce only in a humid environment. By eliminating moisture, you do not give these parasites multiply and spread.

Try to protect your family members from infection. To do this, explain to them that it is now in an apartment you can not go barefoot, especially in the bathroom. If you have the chance, do not use the bathroom and shower. After taking a shower be sure to treat the bath or shower tray and the floor in the bathroom disinfectant.

Every day before going to bed, wash your feet with plain soap in warm water, make sure that in this case the skin is not much soak and soften. Cloth collect and erase all fallen away pieces of skin, making sure that none of them did get under your fingernails. 

Using toilet paper or hair dryer, dry your feet thoroughly, especially between the toes. Then apply an antifungal cream (if the blisters burst and ooze) or ointment (if the affected areas are dry). Continue treatment for four weeks, even if the symptoms go away before.

If the skin is severely inflamed, refrain from the use of an antifungal cream or ointment. In the morning, use powder. If antifungal powder also causes irritation, take a powder based on starch or talc. It is also well to fill the powder in the shoes every day.

Remember, antifungal creams and ointments themselves be irritating, and can be applied to them only on dry skin. If the feet are prone to sweating, shoes should not be worn as long as the drug is absorbed.

Wear cotton socks, preferably white, every day wear clean. When washing socks soak in a solution of chlorine bleach (not soap) and boil for 10 minutes. This will kill the fungus on your clothes. Otherwise, the cure is almost impossible, as it will be constantly re-infection occur. Footwear should also be disinfected by means of antifungal aerosols and then left on for a couple of days of ventilation (preferably in the sun).

If it affects the hands, do not use anti-fungal agents, as long as you do not study conducted skin and not diagnosed. Because if there are no microbial, anti-fungal agents will be ineffective. When the disease on the feet will take to disappear and displays on hand.

What can a doctor

If necessary, the physician can designate a specific and potent remedy, and prescription of a powder mixture for preparation of the disinfectant solution to the feet.

In severe cases, may be advised to use a combination therapy comprising as physiotherapy, as well as oral treatment. 

In the case of secondary bacterial infection (it penetrates the skin through the cracks and sores), your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for topical or systemic use.

Prevention of Athlete's Foot

Practice good hygiene: never go barefoot, especially in public showers and locker rooms, daily wear fresh socks after washing and thoroughly dry the foot and interdigital spaces, well-ventilated shoes in between use.

Be sure to take a shower before and after swimming in the pool, wear rubber slippers, as soon as you come out of the water. In addition, you may want to consult with your doctor about the use of different preventive means.

Tags: athlete's foot pictures, cream, treatment vinegar, symptoms, causes, contagious, fungus
