Atopic Dermatitis - Cause, Symptoms, Cure and Prevention

Atopic dermatitis - it is also known as atopic dermatitis which is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin of an allergic nature, the main symptom is intense itching. Predisposition to diffuse neurodermatitis and other atopic diseases ( bronchial asthma, pollinosis, allergic rhinitis) passed genetically. Therefore, usually, a man, who put such a diagnosis, be sure to find a relative with one of these diseases. In most patients, the disease starts before the age of 12 years. In adulthood, atopic dermatitis manifests very rarely. Without treatment, the disease occurs over the years, with periodic remissions and exacerbations and a patient weight causes anxiety.

The causes of the Atopic Dermatitis

The reason for the development of an allergic reaction in the skin in atopic dermatitis is hyperreactivity organism in response to interaction with various substances. These materials are for the body of the patient allergens. The allergen can act as pollen, house dust, animal hair, various foodstuffs, household chemicals and others. There is air and food contact path allergen penetration into the body.

Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis

For atopic dermatitis relapsing course with periods of exacerbations which occur with repeated interaction of the allergen (e.g., at the use of certain products in food or on contact with the animals). Season of the year also affects the frequency of exacerbations (exacerbations are more common in autumn and winter), emotional stress and other factors. 
The main symptom is dry and itchy skin. Exacerbations are accompanied by widespread swelling and redness of the skin, the appearance of red spots with fuzzy borders plaques. As a result of scratching the skin appear erosion, accompanied by weeping. In the case of entry into the skin infection in places, lesions appear pustules. The favorite localization atopic dermatitis is flexion joint surfaces, front, and side of the neck, the forehead, temples, wrist, the back surface of the hands and feet.

Diagnosis of Atopic Dermatitis

The diagnosis of atopic dermatitis puts allergist based on the clinical picture and the questioning of the patient. In some cases, the patient is prescribed level analysis on immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the blood serum. Elevated levels of this immunoglobulin say the propensity to allergic reactions of the body.

To detect a specific allergen causing exacerbation carried allergic skin sample. During this study, the patient's skin in the forearm causes a variety of allergens in small doses. When a positive response at the site of introduction of allergen develops redness or blister.

What will the doctor

The basis of the treatment of atopic dermatitis antiallergic agent. Depending on the severity of it can be as an ointment for external application containing antihistamines or corticosteroids and oral antihistamines. 

In recent years, allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) is used to treat atopic dermatitis . This method of treatment comprises administering to the patient increasing doses of the extract of the allergen to which the patient revealed hypersensitivity. As a result of such treatment is a gradual increase in resistance of the organism to exposure to the allergen.

What you can do

Human skin with atopic dermatitis, "always ready" to respond to the next contact allergic reaction. In order to prevent exacerbations, should avoid contact with known allergens. Therefore, in the treatment of atopic dermatitis occupies an important place that the designated diet and cleanliness in the house. In addition, it should be remembered that the continuous skin brushing only amplifies allergic reactions and promotes adherence infection. 

Do not let dry skin: Take a bath, use soap and water as little as possible, regularly lubricate the skin moisturizing lotion. Avoid wearing synthetic and woolen clothes on the naked body (these materials increase itching). You'd better fit loose cotton clothing and underwear.

Tags: Atopic dermatitis pictures, causes, home treatment, baby, vs eczema, symptoms
