Dermatitis - Cause, Symptoms, Cure and Prevention

Dermatitis - a syndrome is an inflammatory skin response to different stimuli. Distinguish contact dermatitis and drug reaction. Distinguish contact dermatitis drug reaction. Contact dermatitis occurs by the direct impact of the stimulus on the skin, foreign substances penetrate into the interior environment of the organism, causing a series of changes, one manifestation of which is dermatitis. For example, if the inflammation reaction of the skin occurred when using cream with any medicinal substance, this contact dermatitis, and if the same material received in the body through the intestines (tablets or with food), and rash occurred - a drug reaction.

In addition to dermatitis are diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff, acne, acne, pimples), atopic dermatitis (allergic) dermatitis herpetiformis, eczema, and others. In this article, we will examine a few of them.

Dermatitis Causes

Irritants that contribute to dermatitis, may have a physical, chemical or biological nature.

There are so-called obligate irritants that cause dermatitis is simple for each person. These include friction, pressure, radiation, and temperature effects, acids and alkalis, some plants (nettle, fraxinella, sodium buttercup, spurge). We all know what burns and frostbite, blisters, every once in your life "burned" nettle. Manifestations and the severity of dermatitis simple flow determined by the strength and duration of the impact factor. Symptoms simple contact dermatitis occur immediately or shortly after the first contact with an irritant and lesion area corresponds to the area of contact. Sometimes it is possible chronic dermatitis, with stimulus duration.

Optional irritants cause inflammation of the skin only in individuals with hypersensitivity to it. It is of diseases such as allergic contact dermatitis and atopic (allergic) dermatitis. A number of optional stimuli (sensitizers), and enormous increases continuously.
Allergic contact dermatitis, in contrast to the simple, does not develop immediately after exposure to the stimulus, and at the first contact. To allergic reaction (sensitization) formed require up to several weeks from the first contact. Then repeated contact dermatitis develops. Inflammatory skin reaction does not correspond to the intensity of the stimulus, which will not cause any changes in people without allergies. The area of the skin changes may go beyond the contact.

Atopic dermatitis - a very complex disease, a chronic inflammation of the skin of an allergic nature. It may cause some or even a lot of factors - allergens, and thus not only contact but also received inhaled (pollen, dust) or with food (food allergy). It also relates atopic diseases bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, and others. A predisposition to atopy passed genetically.

Atopic dermatitis usually develops in early childhood. Often with age manifestation of the disease subside or disappear altogether.

Dermatitis Symptoms

Simple dermatitis is acute or chronic. For acute dermatitis characterized by vivid inflammation accompanied by itching, burning, pain, and sometimes - blistering and areas of necrosis, leaving scars.

Chronic dermatitis stagnant manifest edema, cyanosis, skin thickening, lichenification (peeling), cracks power keratinization, sometimes skin atrophy. 

For acute manifestations of allergic contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis are also characterized bright erythema with marked edema. Further, bubbles may appear and even bubbles, leaving open or oozing erosion (Moisture). Decaying inflammation leaves the crusts and scales.

What you can do

When the dermatitis is best to consult a doctor and not self-medicate. In the treatment of simple contact, dermatitis is to stop the main action of the stimulus. Often patients, understanding the cause of the disease, cope with it themselves. 

However, there are cases (for example, severe chemical and thermal burns, frostbite), where the physician intervention is necessary.

What can a doctor

In the treatment of dermatitis, you can help a dermatologist and allergist. If necessary, you may be referred to a gastroenterologist and other specialists.

Treatment of allergic contact dermatitis is assigned to a dermatologist and reduces primarily to identify the allergen. You questioned in detail about the lifestyle, occupational hazards, cosmetics that you use, and others. With the exclusion of allergy symptoms of contact dermatitis are usually held.

Much more difficult the treatment of atopic dermatitis. This disease should be treated by a qualified allergist. Applied antihistamines (such as oral, and in the form of ointments), glucocorticoid drugs, allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT).

Dermatitis Prevention

Observe safety in the workplace and in everyday life. If you have one already had allergic dermatitis and the cause is known, try to avoid contact with the relevant allergen. The main directions of dermatitis are the observance of the diet.

Tags: Dermatitis scalp, pictures, treatment, on hands, meaning, symptoms, on face, types of dermatitis
