Dyshidrosis - Cause, Symptoms, Cure and Prevention

Dyshidrosis - A skin disease that is sometimes referred to as varieties of eczema. Dyshidrosis - a skin disease that is sometimes referred to as varieties of eczema. It is characterized by disruption of the sweat glands, occlusion and their appearance on the skin of small itching bubbles. Most often Dyshidrosis combined with other pathological conditions - excessive sweating.

Reasons Dyshidrosis

Currently reason Dyshidrosis not finalized. It is believed that the following factors can lead to this disease:
  • disruption of the nervous system and endocrine glands, which regulate the sweat glands;
  • reaction to various medications, such as some kinds of antibiotics;
  • effect on the skin of various substances that can cause irritation of anti-insects and rodents, household cleaners, kerosene, industrial oils, paints, varnishes, etc .;
  • allergic reactions and autoimmune conditions;
  • increased nervous irritability and emotional instability;
  • frequent and severe stress;
  • mental and physical exhaustion, emotional burnout syndrome;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • neuroses and mental disorders.

Symptoms of Dyshidrosis

Exacerbation of the disease usually occurs in spring and autumn. Dyshidrosis affects the skin of the palms and fingers of the hands, soles of the feet. Less - dorsal surface of the hands and feet. Appear small, pinhead-sized bubbles within which is a clear liquid with a pinkish tinge. They are dense. Patients concerned about itching and burning. The bubble's location skin swelling, redness.
During exacerbation of the skin becomes rough hands, he begins to peel off, much to itch. Dyshidrosis - not a contagious disease. But it spoils the appearance of the patient and causes him much suffering.

Complications of Dyshidrosis

If bubbles at Dyshidrosis infected, they turn into pustules. Their contents are opaque, it becomes yellow. There is a growing pain, redness, swelling. It may worsen the overall condition of the patient's body temperature to rise. Several adjacent pustules run together and get a big abscess.

Another complication Dyshidrosis - felon - purulent inflammation of the finger. Lymphangitis - inflammation of lymphatic vessels. At the same time, there is a painful cord under the skin. Dyshidrosis is often difficult to cure completely: sometime after complete recovery the disease recurs.

What can you do?

There are various methods of home treatment Dyshidrosis skin, but they are all at best bring only a temporary effect. For effective treatment of the disease should consult a doctor, dermatologist. Patients with Dyshidrosis not contagious. With them, you can shake hands, use common objects.

What can the doctor do?

The main condition for successful treatment Dyshidrosis - identify the original cause of the disease and its proper elimination. The first thing a dermatologist sends the patient for examination and consultation with other professionals.

Medical treatment for Dyshidrosis includes depressants, anti-allergic, diuretics, and drugs affecting the nervous system divisions controlling the function of the sweat glands. The doctor prescribes a bandage with various drugs. When infected bubbles used antimicrobials and antiseptics. Treatment can be performed at home, but always under the supervision of a specialist.


Disease severity depends on the size and quantity of bubbles. In some patients can achieve complete recovery. In other cases, Dyshidrosis recurs some time after treatment is completed.

Tags: Dyshidrosis causes, cure, eczema feet, treatmentm, eczema home remediee, eczema contagious, eczema diet, eczema cream
