Genital Herpes - Causes, Symptoms, Complications

Genital herpes - the frequent contagious disease that is accompanied by pain in the genital area. The source of the diseases are lesions which are vesicles. Diagnosis is based on symptoms and the appearance of characteristic lesions in the form of bubbles. The disease is confirmed by microbiological study for which analysis takes on a drop of fluid from one of the bubbles and grown in a special medium for 24-48 h.

Causes of Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus family (Herpes simplex). 

The disease usually transmitted by sexual contact.

The virus can also be transmitted to the baby during birth if the mother at this time there is a herpes infection in the active phase.

In rare cases, the infection can occur contagious in the toilet, the toilet, or other situations where the virus can accumulate.

Previously it was thought that Herpes simplex type 1 causes the symptoms of colds and rashes in the form of bubbles on the lips (herpes labialis), while Herpes simplex virus type 2 causes genital herpes. Currently, both types of herpes virus are genital because transmitted, presumably, during oral sex with a partner who has herpes in the active form.

Symptoms of Genital Herpes

There is a painful condition is the same as what occurs with colds, accompanied by a rash blisters on the lips.

Complications of Genital Herpes

Herpes infection can be dangerous for babies. If you have suffered in the past, genital herpes, tell your doctor. If pregnancy infection enters the active phase, in order to avoid infection of the child during birth delivery is recommended for the use of cesarean section. 

Herpes in an infant can lead to serious neurological disorders, blindness, and even death.

What you can do

The condition can be improved seating under warm baths, wet compress applying moderate brine. Reception of acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol reduces pain.

Care should be taken so that the affected area clean and dry. Do not apply ointments or other drugs on the bubbles without a prescription.

Pregnant women with known or suspected HSV infection should consult a physician. Wash your hands after touching an infected area to avoid transfer of infection to other parts of the body.

Since genital herpes is a highly contagious disease, care should be taken to prevent further transmission.

In any rashes in the genital area is required to consult a doctor. If a sexual partner, there are indications of a history of genital herpes, you should see a doctor, even in the absence of symptoms.

What can a doctor

  • The physician should make the diagnosis and prescribe appropriate therapy. 
  • It is not known whether susceptible genital herpes complete recovery. 
  • In severe exacerbations effective use of acyclovir and other antiviral drugs.
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