In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - Technique, Indications, Complications

In vitro fertilization - is one of the treatments for infertility.Infertility - a diagnosis which is put if pregnancy does not occur within 1 year at a regular sexual life. There are a number of reasons that can lead to infertility. You need to understand very clearly that if one of the partners diagnosed with infertility does not mean that the couple could not have children. This means that both spouses must undergo a detailed examination and qualified treatment. According to statistics, more than 50% of these diagnoses are removed as a result of treatment. For the rest, one of the treatment options that offer a modern clinic now is in vitro fertilization ( IVF ).

IVF - is one of the treatments for infertility, the essence of which is that the egg is fertilized outside the body and develops future mother. The woman's uterus already transferred embryo (germ consisting of only a few cells). Further stages of fetal development occur in the uterus, just as in natural fertilization.

The indications for in vitro fertilization

1) Male sterility:
  • - total absence of or reduction in the number of sperm in the semen; 
  • - the decline in the quality of sperm, such as their mobility.
2) Female infertility:
  • pathology fallopian tubes (structural abnormalities of functioning anomalies resulting transferred inflammatory pelvic disease, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis); 
  • long-term unsuccessful treatment of endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome and other severe diseases of the female reproductive organs.
Application of Economy only recommended for conditions that are contraindication to pregnancy in general because of the impossibility of successfully carrying a pregnancy

The technique of IVF

There are a number of protocols (schemes) treatment. The choice of a particular protocol does the doctor on the basis of patient records and the results of a detailed survey. The main difference consists in the application protocols of various drugs and duration of therapy.
The main stages of the standard procedure of in vitro fertilization:-
1) Stimulation of superovulation and monitoring of the development of follicles using ultrasound. The purpose of the step of obtaining a large number of mature oocytes to enhance the chance of pregnancy. 

2) Puncture follicles and getting eggs. Follicular puncture is performed under intravenous anesthesia and ultrasound guidance. The husband of the patient in this day delivers semen, which is subject to special treatment before insemination or fertilization. 

3) Directly in vitro fertilization. Performed by medical embryologists in the conditions of the embryology laboratory. Insemination is performed in one of two ways: insemination in vitro, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The first, more simple way to the eggs, which are a nutrient medium, a suspension of sperm. Within 2-3 hours of one sperm penetrated into the egg and fertilize it. In the second method, the sperm is introduced into an egg "by hand" using microsurgical instruments. After penetration of the spermatozoon, the egg is considered an embryo. The embryos are kept in artificial conditions of 2 to 5 days. Using modern genetic techniques can be inspected embryo for possible genetic diseases, and also to determine the sex of the baby. 

4) Transfer of embryos. Embryo transfer is performed by a special catheter through the cervix to the 2nd of the 5th day after the follicle puncture. Usually, 3 embryos are transferred, the remaining embryos exposed and can be used in the subsequent IVF attempt. 

5) Support the luteal phase. To reduce the likelihood of spontaneous abortion after the embryo transfer at 2 weeks prescribers progesterone.

After 2 weeks the woman donates blood to confirm or rule out pregnancy. Depending on the result of the research is determined by the further tactics of the patient.

Complications after IVF

The main possible complication of IVF is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, a complex of pathological symptoms that may occur during treatment with ovulation stimulators.

Pregnancy and childbirth

If successful, the further course of pregnancy and childbirth are no different from pregnancy by natural fertilization. According to experts, children conceived through in vitro fertilization, are no different from the rest. Is that love and care he gets several times more. After parents have been waiting for their birth.

Tags: in vitro fertilization process, definition, success rate, pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, in vivo fertilization, in vitro meaning
