Menopause - Causes, Symptoms and More !

Menopause - a time when menstruation stops. The average age of women at menopause - 51 years, but it can happen as before, and later, between 40 and 55 years. Menopause deemed indispensable aging stage, every woman carries it on his own. Some do not notice any significant changes in the body or in the mind, others feel uncomfortable and do not tolerate this stage of their life.

Causes of Menopause

Somewhere in the 35 years of a woman's ovaries are beginning to change the amount of produced estrogen, a hormone necessary for menstruation and pregnancy. With age, estrogen becomes smaller. As long as the menstrual period ceases and the woman loses her reproductive function. Changes in the estrogen levels in a woman's influence on many organs, including the heart, bones, urinary tract, skin, hair.

Symptoms of Menopause 

Hormonal disorders that occur before and after the menopause have different symptoms. Menopause symptoms may include: irregular cycles, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, problems with the genitourinary system, mood changes, and poor sleep.

The menstrual cycle becomes irregular before the menopause. The cycle may become longer or shorter separation can be stronger or weaker than before. Spotting may be, and mid-cycle.

Tides - a sensation of heat when growing waves start at the chest and spreads to the neck, face, hands. Tides occur on average once every hour and usually last 3-4 minutes. Hot flashes are often replaced by considerable sweating and then chills; They can occur at any time, even at night during sleep (called night sweats). Three out of four women experience hot flashes during menopause, but only one of these four hot flashes can last more than 5 years.
Vaginal dryness may be a result of low estrogen levels in the body. In low estrogen vaginal wall lose their elasticity, become thinner and emit less secretion. The dry and inelastic vagina can cause discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Urinary incontinence is also developing due to low levels of estrogen in the body, which reduces the muscle tone of the urogenital tract.

Variability of mood and poor sleep can be observed both before and after menopause. Scientific studies speak in favor of a direct relationship between low hormone levels and depression, irritability, fatigue, sleep problems, etc., the symptoms that are commonly experienced by women during menopause.

What you can do

During menopause, diet should contain a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Choose foods low in fat, try to eat dairy products at least 3 times a day. If you do not drink milk take calcium (1000 mg), vitamin D (400 IU) daily. Moderately drink alcohol and caffeine.

Exercise (at least half an hour a day), try to lead an active life, it will help reduce hot flushes and is the prevention of osteoporosis. More walk, you walk, use the stairs, even if there is an elevator. Try to dress up with the expectation that you are always able to partially undress upon the occurrence of high tide.

From vaginal dryness, use the water-soluble lubricant (lubricants), but no jelly. 

In pharmacies sold a lot of biologically active food additives and drugs of plant origin, which manufacturers claim that applying these products reduces the symptoms of menopause. Unfortunately, not all of them have been adequately tested and clinical trials of safety and efficacy. Moreover, the composition and amount of active compound in such products can also vary greatly. Before you buy and start taking these supplements, consult your doctor. Usually in the composition of such products include soy, gingko biloba , motherwort, licorice, red clover, herb kava, and others. Herbal preparations (as well as any other !!) are the indications and contraindications, can cause side effects and may interact with other medicines that you take. Correctly prescribe treatment can only physician.

What can a doctor

The doctor will warn you about menopause and hormone replacement therapy will begin if necessary (HRT). Since menopause is associated with low levels of estrogen, a hormone replacement that will help alleviate the symptoms. Unlike many contraceptives, the majority of hormones used in HRT is natural; side effects are minimal. 

HRT should not be used if your close relatives had cancer of the breast and uterus. 

Estrogens may be used in the form of tablets, patches, gels, creams, and suppositories, as well as implants. Estrogen - a necessary component of HRT, if a woman the uterus is removed, there is no need to appoint other hormones. If the uterus is preserved, it is usually prescribed more and progesterone for 14 days of each cycle. The need progesterone destination due to the effect of estrogen on the mucous membrane lining the inside of the uterus (endometrium). Adding progesterone is the prevention of bleeding, endometrial growths (polyps) and uterine cancer.

Tags: menopause and weight gain definition,  for men, age, pregnancy, hot flashes, treatment, signs
