Miscarriage (Abortions) - Symptoms, Causes and Prevention

Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion - is the expulsion of the product of conception, that is, the fetus from the uterus before it is capable of independent existence (before 20 weeks gestation). Early miscarriages occur in the first trimester of pregnancy and occur in 10-30% of women. This may occur at such early stages of pregnancy, a woman may not even know that she is pregnant. Signs of miscarriage with almost no, unusually painful menstruation.

Causes of Miscarriage (Abortions)

Early miscarriage:
  • fetal defect, the fetus or the placenta. 
  • infectious diseases, e.g., mumps, chicken pox, measles, rubella. 
  • hormonal imbalance (deficiency of essential hormones - progesterone). 
  • an autoimmune reaction when the mother's immune system cells to damage the fruit.
Late miscarriage:
  • Pathology of the placenta and the cervix. 
  • The action of toxic substances, including certain medications, cigarette smoke, alcohol, and chemicals.
  • Miscarriage. symptoms
  • Persistent vaginal discharge 
  • Bleeding in combination with a pain in the center of the lower abdomen and sometimes pain in the back. 
  • The presence of blood clots in vaginal discharge.

What you can do

Report any abnormal discharge your doctor. 
Seek help if you have a strong bleeding, regardless of whether there is any associated symptoms, especially if you have had a miscarriage in the past. 
While you wait for assistance, lie on your back with feet elevated position and try to relax.

What can a doctor

The doctor will examine the history of the disease and to hold a pelvic examination.
For fetal assessment, you will be assigned to ultrasound. With the threat of miscarriage requires immediate hospitalization. If the doctor confirms that miscarriage has already taken place, it will guide the expansion of the cervix and curettage procedure. The purpose of scraping a complete removal of residual fetal and placental tissue.

Preventive measures

  • If pregnancy does not overreach physically, especially if you have had a miscarriage.
  • Tell your doctor about any unusual discharge during pregnancy. 
  • Avoid exposure to infections, such as mumps, measles, and chickenpox, and not exposed to radiation.
  • Tell your doctor or dentist about your pregnancy before any medical procedures.
  • Tell your doctor if you have the fever. Perhaps this is a symptom of another disease, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • Do not drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs without a prescription. Consult your doctor before taking any medications. 
  • Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a sufficient amount of sleep, rest, and a balanced diet.
Tags: Miscarriage definition, causes, iage bleeding, after miscarriage, 4 weeks, quotes, treatment
