Mycoplasma Infections - Causes , Symptoms, Prevention

Mycoplasmosis - a disease related to genital infections group. It can occur in acute and chronic forms. Mycoplasmas are very small bacteria. They are responsible for diseases of the respiratory tracts and the urogenital tract.They come from the class of the mollicutes (soft-skinned). Characteristic for mycoplasmas is that they are very small and, unlike other types of bacteria, do not have a cell wall but only a membrane. They also have a vesicular, variable shape.

Causes of mycoplasma

Mycoplasmosis is a disease that is caused by mycoplasma. This type of microorganisms is opportunistic. Ie mycoplasmas may be in the body perfectly healthy people, not manifesting itself. But they can also cause a number of diseases, including urogenital mycoplasmosis. 

Transmitted mycoplasma, as well as other sexually transmitted infections, by contact, from partner to partner during unprotected sexual intercourse. From an infected mother to the mycoplasma can get into the body and the baby during pregnancy or childbirth.

Symptoms in mycoplasma infections

The symptoms that occur during a mycoplasma infection depend on which body is affected by the inflammation. Thus, the patients suffer from urethral or renal cell inflammation with pain or burning during the watering . In addition, the strength of the urine stream decreases.
With a kidney infection (pyelonephritis) and severe pain in the lower can back occur. A prostate inflammation is also noticeable by complaints during the watering. In addition, there are often purulent discharge from the urethra and pain in the ejaculation .
Atypical pulmonary inflammation usually occurs
  • Slight dyspnea
  • to cough
  • body aches
  • Headaches and
  • Slight fever

How can manifest this disease?

Typically, the intensity of these symptoms mycoplasmosis is observed. Often this disease is altogether unnoticed. But in some cases, the disease is activated and then we can fix the following symptoms.

In women, attention is drawn to the character of the pain of pulling the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge, discomfort, itching and even burning during urination. Complicated and sexual life, during sexual intercourse woman suffering mycoplasmosis, feels discomfort and even pain.

Maternity mycoplasmosis is a serious threat because this disease provokes spontaneous abortions, early rupture of membranes and preterm labor. In addition, mycoplasma cause fever in patients, as well as pneumonia and even such a serious disease, such as meningitis in newborns.

As for men, they tend to complain of mucus discharge from the urethra in the morning. As well as pain in the abdomen and a burning sensation when urinating. Sometimes mycoplasma "commute" to the prostate gland and cause its inflammation develops prostatitis. In some cases, can become inflamed and egg. It increases in size, swells and reddens. Man feels the pain in the perineum, groin, and scrotum.

But all of these symptoms are not specific to mycoplasma, but also for many other urogenital infections. That is why the diagnosis of the disease can cause a number of difficulties.

In order to identify the causative agent crop is produced in the culture medium. This method of research is very accurate. But in addition to detecting the presence of mycoplasma in the body, you need to install and its appearance. For this purpose, laboratory diagnostic methods such as enzyme immunoassay method or the polymerase chain reaction.

What is the cure mycoplasmosis?

Needless to say, that treatment should be appointed by a qualified doctor. After all, any inflammation of the genital organs is fraught with terrible consequences up to infertility. That is why the treatment of any such infections should be adequate and timely.

The main group of drugs for the treatment of mycoplasmosis are antibacterials. Select the right medication will help the doctor. Mycoplasma is resistant to some antibiotics, which is why such funds are chosen individually and self here is unacceptable. The important condition is the favorable outcome of simultaneous treatment of both partners. Otherwise, the probability of re-infection!

After the end of therapy, the patient must re-pass the tests so the doctor can make sure misrepresented that recovery is complete!

Tags: mycoplasma symptoms, bacteria, treatment, std, rash, ureaplasma
