Ovarian Follicular Cyst - Cause, Symptoms, Cure and Prevention

Follicular ovarian cyst - a benign tumor formation, the thickness of the bubble in the ovary, from which it did not come out the mature egg. It has smooth thin walls and filled with a transparent liquid.

Causes of Ovarian Follicular Cyst

In the women's ovaries are many follicles - tiny bubbles, which mature egg. The number of follicles does not increase during the life - all of which have already been laid by the time of birth. Normally, in the middle of the gap between the two monthly one of follicles increases in size and moves closer to the surface of the ovary - it is ripened ovum for fertilization. Once during the menstrual cycle matures only one egg. Then ovulation occurs - the follicle increases, broken, and the egg is released from the ovary.

It may happen that the next egg is mature, but not out of the follicle. In this case, it continues to grow in size and is converted into the follicular cyst. This can contribute to the following reasons:
  • Disorders of the endocrine system. The blood is allocated too many female hormones - estrogen. They interfere with the egg to come out.
  • severe physical or psycho-emotional exhaustion.
  • Violation of ovarian function due to myocardial abortion.
  • pelvic inflammatory disease: salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes), oophoritis (ovarian inflammation), adnexitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries).
  • Frequent use of different methods of contraception without the control of the gynecologist.
  • Acute infections of the female reproductive system diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Too intensive treatment of infertility.

Manifestations of Ovarian Follicular Cyst

If the cyst is small (4-5 cm), it usually does not manifest itself. Women do bother no symptoms, and cyst found incidentally during the ultrasound. If an ovarian cyst is large enough (usually 8 cm or more), then a woman worried about pain in the lower abdomen, bloating and heaviness in the groin. These sensations are amplified in the first half of the cycle, during sexual intercourse, exercise, sudden movements awkward. In some cases, there is an infringement month they become irregular, prolonged, heavy, frequent. Stand out blood clots from the vagina in the intervals between periods.

Complications of the follicular ovarian cysts

The most dangerous complication of ovarian follicular cysts - twisting her legs. Thus there is a vascular compression of the feeding cyst, impaired blood supply therein. Starting internal bleeding. In this case, a woman experiences severe pain, becomes pale, appears cold clammy sweat, reduced blood pressure, the pulse becomes weak and frequent. Emergency surgery is necessary, otherwise, she could die. Follicular ovarian cyst often causes miscarriage pregnancy.

What can you do?

Since follicular ovarian cyst is often not accompanied by any symptoms, suspected her appearances is quite difficult. Every woman should annually visit the gynecologist, undergo the ultrasound and, if necessary, other studies. This helps to timely detect disease genitals and begin treatment.

What can the doctor do?

If the follicular ovarian cyst is small (up to 6 cm), the gynecologist usually takes the woman under surveillance and appoints new appearance for the control. Small cysts resolve on their own for the next month. To prevent recurrence prescribed hormonal contraceptives, anti-inflammatories, vitamins, physiotherapy (phonophoresis, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis).

Surgical treatment of follicular cysts:- Surgical treatment for this disease was shown in the following cases:
  • follicular cyst Ovary larger than 6 cm;
  • the cyst that does not go in for 2 - 3 monthly cycles and tends to increase in size.
Perform the operation, during which a cyst husks and remaining in its place the defect is sutured. In other cases, removed part of the ovary. As a result, the woman retains reproductive function. When torsion legs cyst and internal bleeding emergency surgery is needed. Spay.

Prevention of Ovarian Follicular Cyst

It needs time to treat inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and hormonal disorders. At constant relapsed follicular cysts to prevent their further need to carry out treatment of the underlying disease.

Tags: Follicular cyst and pregnancy, skin, natural treatment, size, treatment of ovarian cyst
