Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) - Causes, Symptoms, Cure and Prevention

Premenstrual tension syndrome is associated with the consequent fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood. If suddenly you find that passionately wanted a sandwich with butter, or to cry with emotion at the sight of a small child, or you are painfully wanted to buy a pair of earrings that you are unlikely to wear, stop briefly and ask yourself if you have to start soon monthly. If soon, your unusual behavior may be caused by the premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual tension syndrome ( PMS ). This specific condition, which precedes menstruation in varying degrees, typical for most women. When it's PMS, just try to calm down and control his actions. When will the month, you will return to its normal state?

Premenstrual tension syndrome is associated with the consequent fluctuations in the level of hormones in the blood.

Previously, the premenstrual syndrome was considered as a psychological disorder, researchers have not yet proven that this condition is organic in nature, caused by changes in hormone levels in the body.

For example, reducing the level of estrogen and progesterone can:
  • increase the production of aldosterone, which causes a lot of changes in the body 
  • to raise the level of monoamine oxidase (substances released into the tissues of the brain and capable of causing depression), 
  • lower the level of serotonin (a substance released into the tissues of the brain and affects the level of activity and mood ).
For some women PMS is calm, others very rapidly, but the time of onset of symptoms is always predictable. It allows distinguishing the syndrome premenstrual tension from other diseases. Changes in the emotional and physical condition appear 7-10 days before menstruation and tested almost immediately after the start of menstruation. These terms can be set if in a few months to keep a diary of menstruation, noting there all the symptoms and the start and end date of menstruation. 
If symptoms persist throughout the menstrual cycle may PMS is not the cause of them. In this case, you should see a psychiatrist.

Causes of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

The emergence of premenstrual tension syndrome in some women and the lack of it in others is primarily associated with hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle and individual reactions to their whole body. Recently, however, scientists began to investigate other possible causes of this condition (definitive proof yet):
  • monthly cyclical fluctuations in the amounts of certain substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain, which include endorphins that affect mood 
  • Malnutrition: symptoms of premenstrual syndrome like mood swings, fluid retention, increased breast tenderness, fatigue associated with deficiency of vitamin B6, while headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, and craving for chocolate caused by a deficiency of magnesium 
  • a hereditary factor. It is proved that identical twins are much more likely to suffer PMS together than fraternal. Perhaps the ICP there is a genetic predisposition.

The symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Physical symptoms:-
  • Hypersensitivity or breast tenderness, 
  • breast enlargement 
  • fluid retention, leading to swelling of the feet and hands and weight gain of about 2 kg, 
  • headaches, especially migraines, 
  • nausea, vomiting, and dizziness 
  • pain in muscles and joints, and specific back pain 
  • in some cases, constipation, diarrhea 
  • excessive thirst and frequent urination, 
  • a craving for food, particularly in salty or sweet, intolerance to alcohol, 
  • lethargy, fatigue, or vice versa, energy, 
  • strong heartbeat and flushing to Do y, 
  • the increase in the number of acne.
Psychological symptoms:-
  • frequent changes of mood, 
  • Depression, melancholy, feelings of depression, 
  • the constant tension and irritability 
  • insomnia or prolonged sleep 
  • distraction and forgetfulness. 
Some women may experience more severe symptoms 
  • panic 
  • suicidal thoughts 
  • aggressiveness, propensity for violence.

What you can do

- Exercise. Studies have shown that regular exercise reduces the appearance of symptoms of PMS, perhaps? this is due to the release of endorphins and other substances in the brain that relieves stress and improves mood.

- sleeping for 8-9 hours a day. lack of sleep exacerbates anxiety, and other negative emotions increases irritability. If you suffer from insomnia, find a way to deal with it. Deep breathing and other simple ways to relax before going to sleep are often very effective. Before going to bed, take a hot bath and drink a glass of warm milk.

Eat a diet low in fat and the high percentage of fiber. During PMS, try as little as possible to use such products as coffee, cheese, and chocolate. With their use associated with the appearance of a migraine and many other PMS symptoms such as anxiety, frequent mood swings, and palpitations.

Do not eat a lot, limit sweets, better take some fruit.

Maintain a constant level of insulin in the blood for this eat slowly about 6 times a day, it's better than to eat once a large portion. Try to eat right.

Nutritionists recommend a daily basis in the form of dietary supplements use vitamin B6 (50-100 mg) and magnesium (250 mg). In addition, physicians prescribe calcium supplementation, along with magnesium which eliminates the symptoms of PMS, and prevents osteoporosis and iron (to combat anemia).

Many women say that they help primrose oil (substance rich in essential fatty acids). Talk to your doctor about the dosage for you.

Stay away from the crowds, do not go out without the need on the street, if there is bad weather, and eat as much vitamin C as possible (an antioxidant and stimulator of the immune system). Women suffering from PMS, get sick more often. Scientists believe that this is a consequence of the weakening of the immune system before the start of menstruation, which makes the body vulnerable to viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

What can a doctor

Since the causes of the disease are not fully understood, the treatment of PMS focuses on alleviating its symptoms:

With anxiety, insomnia, and other psychological symptoms, your doctor may prescribe tranquilizers or sedatives. However, prolonged use of these drugs is not desirable due to the fact that they are addictive. Newer antidepressants have shown to be effective for PMS, but they must be taken under a doctor's supervision.

Migraines associated with PMS, your doctor may prescribe a special therapy to prevent headaches. To relieve pain, most doctors prescribe NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen.

Swelling or other signs of fluid retention prescribe diuretics, which is necessary to start taking 5-7 days before menstruation.

In some cases, a doctor may prescribe for PMS progesterone and other hormones.

Prevention of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Any violation of the body, the reasons for which are unclear, difficult to prevent. To date, the best way to control this situation is the ability to deal with it, rather than prevention.

Tags: Premenstrual symptoms vs pregnancy symptoms,  treatment, when does pms start, pms system, pms mood swings, post menstrual syndrome
