Warts - Cause, Symptoms, Complications, Cure and Prevention

Warts - this benign growth on the skin or mucous membranes. Warts that appear on the soles of the feet are called plantar or horny. Plantar warts often disappear on their own, but sometimes it can remain in place for several years, or occasionally disappear and reappear.

Causes of warts

Infection of the skin by the human papillomavirus. The virus replicates actively especially in wet areas (e.g., public baths, showers, locker rooms, etc.)

Symptoms of Warts

Rough convex nodules are seen on the skin, which may be single or in the form of clusters. Plantar warts are generally flat and dense due to strong pressure.

It is recommended to consult a doctor if the plantar wart causes pain, discomfort and interfere with walking, you need to consult a doctor.

Complications of Warts

The spread of warts to other parts of the body.

What you can do

Do not cut or tear off a wart, as this will likely only exacerbate the spread of the virus and the wart will appear at this place again. Should consult a doctor before taking money from warts topical. Be sure to consult a doctor if the wart began to hurt and cause discomfort.

What can a doctor

A doctor may remove the wart with cryosurgery (using liquid nitrogen), cauterization acid, electricity or a laser.

Preventive measures

Avoid direct contact with a person suffering from warts. Never wear someone else's shoes, socks, etc., especially people with plantar warts. Do not go barefoot in public shower, bath, dressing room, in the pool.

Tags: warts pictures, warts treatment, types of warts, warts on neck, common warts, warts removal, warts on face, flat wart
